We can Do it

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Joy have always enjoyed watching television. Who doesn't? Well maybe a few doesn't, but nevertheless, like normal people, she enjoys it along with her members.

It helps in relieving the stress they get in their everyday life. But right now, it was giving her the most stressful stress she's ever felt for a year.

"I can't watch this," she practically shouted in their living room then goes to the kitchen and almost threw water on a glass. The four other girls broke out laughing with her reaction while watching her downing the glass of water.

They were all sprawled out in their living room watching TV. Seulgi, Joy and Irene are sitting in the couch respectively while Wendy and Yeri decided to settle on the carpeted floor.

Almost every kind of sodas, junk foods and five set of burger and fries meals are on their table for their consumption, courtesy by Irene. Always the generous unnie that she is.

"Told you she was just lying last week," Wendy said, turning to the girls then to the TV.

"Yeah, indeed," Seulgi seconded, busy with her phone.

Another set of giggles. It was cut off when the subject of their conversation returned to her seat.

"Please turn it off or change the channel before the show starts again," Joy pleaded with the one holding the remote, Yeri.

"What's wrong unnie? I thought you're a supporter," Yeri says teasingly. A pillow landed on her head. "Ouch, that didn't hurt."

"Your head is made up of stone that's why."

"Stop teasing her, she's already desperate. Look at her puppy face," Seulgi remarked, looking at Joy.

"Joy, it's just a show," Irene says calmly and pats her hand for a moment. "Don't let it get into your head."

Seulgi frantically nodded in agreement.

Irene then turns to Yeri, "Change the channel Yerim-ah."

Yeri and Seulgi groans in disapproval while Wendy continues to munch on her peppero. The situation unfolding in front of her was already making her hungry so she grabs a cheeseburger and starts attacking it.

"But unnie...I want to watch it."

"Nado," Seulgi seconded as she slurps her milkshake and widens her eyes after tasting it for the nth time.

"Just change it for awhile then put it back on once done."

"How the hell will I know if it's done?"

"Language Kim Yerim! Then just change the channel and let's continue watching another show."

"It's okay unnie. You're right, I'm just overreacting. It's done anyways, this is just like a recap. And like you said, it's just a show." Joy's voice was full of uncertainty but she tried not to let it show, not wanting to be the one who takes out all the fun.


"Are you sure?" Irene hesitantly asked and Joy nodded in confirmation.

"Okay it's starting now," Yeri excitedly said giving her full attention to the TV.

Silently clutching on the pillow like her life depended on it because at this moment it did, Joy slowly moves it with the plan to block her face in watching the square screen in front of her. But before she could do it, the whole thing she badly wanted to avoid flashed before her eyes like a speed of light.

Ouch, that definitely hurt.

She could feel four pair of eyes alternately glancing at her.

"I'm fine guys," she lied.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2020 ⏰

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