He's Mine

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After weeks of being busy with their stages in events, variety filming and ambassadorial roles, at last it was their day off.

Sungjae was busy playing games on his computer, but at certain times, he keeps glancing on his bed. After a few minutes of being distracted, he finally gave up.

"Chamnae." Turning off his computer, he slowly marched towards his bed and jumped on it.

"Why did you stop playing?" The voice he loves so much asked. He moved closer to her, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his head near her heart that started to beat faster. The smell of her hair and perfume filled the air he was breathing. It made him hold on to her more.

Joy giggled at his boyfriend's actions. Putting the book she was reading, she started playing with his hair.

"You're distracting me. I don't think I can do anything when you're here, love." His aegyo voice usually comes out when he's being clingy. A high pitched laugh echoed in his room, one he loved so much especially if he was the reason behind it.

"Well, you're doing something right now. You're being clingy."

"Except for this, I can't do anything."

"Is that so?" A mischievous tone was heard from her voice. She slowly lifted his chin up with her forefinger and swiftly kissed his lips.

Sungjae taken aback, did nothing but stare at her with wide eyes. "Y..yah!"


"That was so short." He joked, half meant. It resulted another fits of giggle from her.

He tightened his hold on her waist and pulled her closer as she wrapped her thin arms around his head. They were silent for a moment, enjoying each other's warmth before he broke the peaceful atmosphere.



He looked up to her and gently kissed her chin. A huge smile crept up on her face. "You're gonna be busy tomorrow and the next tomorrow's after, right?"

She nodded before replying. "Yeah, I will be."

"I miss you already."

"Me too, oppa. But I'll see you when I don't have schedules."

"You should rest on those days. I'll understand, I'm a great boyfriend."

A giggle escaped her mouth, and he was just in awe at how beautiful it sounds. A sound he wants to hear everyday for the rest of his life.

"I know you are, but I want to see you. It's still rest though since I'll be home with you."

Grinning, he pulled back a little bit to take a look at her beautiful face which he believed should be part of the eight wonders of the world.

"Well, if that's what you want, do I have a choice?" She laughed at his attempt to hide the fact that he loved the idea of being with her.

Joy was getting busier as the days go by. With her recently ended promotions, variety show and her drama. He was too, except that he didn't have drama filming for now.

Time was so precious for them, yet they spend it together just doing normal things like normal couples.

Just being with each other is already more than enough.

"Do you remember way back our show, when I was the one being clingy?" She asked out of nowhere. After taking in her beauty, he went back to resting his head below her chin.

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