Lil Mexican (chapter 9)

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Yo thank you soooo much for 70 votes! I love all of you so much, and I really appreciate all of you taking the time to read my work.

Jessie's pov:
The next day once everyone was up and awake we got ready to go and pick up the cars we took to the formal last night. Mal and Hailie were definitely more hung over than the rest of us. "My head hurts so fucking much, bro" Hailie complains again. "We fucking know already Hailie, you've told us like 12 times!" Mal grumbles. "Ooooh, someone's grumpy today!" Layla teases her. Me and Teagan try to hold in out laughs while Delaney sniggers quietly, making her earn a slap from Mal. Once we made it to the big driveway, we split off into groups. Mal,Teagan and Delaney in Teagan's car, while me, Layla and Hailie were in Hailie's car. ""I know you like Delaney" Layla speaks over the radio playing softly in the background. "W-what no I don't!" Hailie answers quickly. "It's obviously you do Hails, you look at Delaney like my abuelo looks at my abuela!" Layla responds. "Huh?" Me and Hailie day at the same time, Layla looks at us questioningly before chuckling lightly. "Oh, I forgot to tell you I'm half Spanish!" She says like it's nothing. "EXCUSE ME?!" Hailie shouts from the back of the car. I just let myself proses the fact my girlfriend forgot to tell me she was Spanish. "So, YOU forgot to tell ME, your GIRLFRIEND! That you were Spanish?!" I ask surprised. "I guess I did" Layla responds. Instead of saying anything I thread my fingers through hers and kiss the top of her hand, and smile lightly at her. "I would appreciate it if you didn't flaunt your relationship right in front of me while I'm trying to figure out how to ask Delaney on a date!" Hailie says breaking our moment up. "I told you so" Layla speaks up. "Our little Hailie's in love!" She squeals again. I chuckle lightly at my girlfriends actions.

"Right, we're here!" I shout getting out of the car, once Layla's out as well she jumps onto my back. Once we get to our dorm i feel Layla start to nuzzle her head into my neck.

"Princess, we need to try and get Delaney and Hailie together" I say kissing her forehead lightly. "I know... WAIT! How about, we invite the two of them on a double date with us? We just get Mal and Teagan to cancel on us!" I nod slightly, agreeing with the plan. "Ok, I'll go and tell the Mal and T to text us saying they can't come. And you go and invite Hails and D?" She nods answering my question while we put our shoes on. "I'll see you later babe!" I say walking out the door.

Layla's pov:
Once Jessie walks out the door I pick up my phone to look at snap maps. Hailie and Delaney are in the same place? Hm, that makes it easier!

After 10, 15 minutes I'm at the café they were at. I see the two of the girls sitting together at a small booth in the corner. "Hello you two" I say sitting next to Delaney. "How did you know we were here?"  Hailie asks. "Snap maps" I answer shortly. "Ok, me and the other girls are going out tonight you two wanna come?" The both of them nod their heads simultaneously. "K, I'll see you later!" I say before getting up and leaving the small building.

On the way back I see Hattie. Wait! HATTIE?! "Hattie? Is that you?!" I squeal running up to her. "Huh? Wh- LAYLA?!" She turns around quickly recognising my voice. "I FUCKING MISSED YOU, YOU BITCH!" She shouts before catching me. After a couple of seconds I push myself away from her onto the floor. "Why are you here?" I ask curiously. "Well, you me and some of the girls from seaport came here for a trip." She answers, white a shit eating grin on her face. "You- you brought the port girls?! Were are they?! I need to see baby MoMo!" I shout again. "Who's MoMo?" I hear feeling arms rap around my waist. "More like who's this?!" I hear Hattie say. I'm stuck between the stuff glares of Jessie and Hattie. I knew I couldn't hit my girlfriend so I went up to Hats and smacked her on the back of the head. "OUCHH! The fuck was that for?!" She groans loudly. "THAT. Was for trying to stare down my girlfriend!" I explain. "So THIS is your girlfriend? Sorry." She says, "bro, I don't care as long as I can see my baby MoMo!" I moan. "WHO SAID BABY MOMO, ONLY LAYLA CAN SAY BABY MOMO!!" I hear some scream from behind me. I turn quickly on my heals to find all of the port girls behind me which there mouths wide open. "JOHNSON!" Molly screams. "MO!" We run to each other and she jumps on me. "I've missed you so ducking much LJ" she cries into my hair. "Are you fucking crying?" Libby laughs loudly, both me and Molly turn to her and sarcastically laugh with her. "WHERES MY LITTLE MEXICAN?!" Dave shouts wait Dave? "YOU FUCKING BROUGHT DAVE?!" I shout "SCOUSER!" I scream jumping onto him. He laughs loudly putting me down, I lightly pull all the girls towards Jess, Teagan and a very amused Mal. "Dave, this is my girlfriend, Jessie, her Bestfriend, Teagan and you obviously know Mal." I smile. He looks at T and shakes her hand while looking at Jessie then back towards me just to look back at her.

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