Chapter 4

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- continued from the previous chapter

*He just stood there, patiently, intensely looking at Noora. She was lost with him too,once she snapped out of her gaze.*

Noora: Would that be it?
Can we leave?
William: No, there's one more thing.

*Noora expression changed to a questioning look towards William.*

William: Faen, du er vakker!
(Fuck, you're beautiful!)


Noora was speechless. How could a jerk of a person like William be such a sap?? ughhh!

She wanted to curl her toes and swoon. But she managed to keep it cool. She looked over to Eva, held her hand and dragged her out of there before she could react to what William Magnusson had said. Oh My God! She was so screwed.

But she could not do this. Not to herself. Not to Vilde!! William is a playboy. He is unsympathetic, arrogant and self centered.  Oh but he is so cute!! NO NOORA! NO. These are just one of his ways to attract you. To get your attention!! oh well, he's definitely successful. * For the least 

*Noora kept trying to tell herself that. Trying to talk herself out of it. but she was miserably failing.*

Eva:  OH MY GOD!!

You have to go out with him!!! He is so in love with you!!! This literally feels like I'm watching an episode of Gossip Girl live in front of me!! C'mon Nooooorrraaa??!! 

Noora: No! NO he is not. He is just a selfish jerk.Besides these are just one of his tricks to get me to like him. Or get me into his pants. And guess what! That. Is. Not. Going. To. Happen. He does not have the tiniest chance with me.

Eva: Oh Noora. You are a terrible liar.

You are head over heels for him. You are just playing hard to get. I just don't understand why-

Ohh wait.. You are doing this for Vilde!! You don't want her to be hurt!

Noora, give him a chance at least. Just go on a date with him, thinks about it and get it over with. Don't think about the circumstances already??!! You guys are like fairy tale lovers <3!! Young, beautiful, IN LOVE!!

Noora: Herregud! (OH MY GOD, in Norwegian) Eva you have to stop! I am not going out with him. I do not like him. Now can we get to our classes? They are much more important.

*After all their lectures were done for the day, all the girls decided to meet at Noora's house for a a drinks party as it weekend the day after and they had no school. It was seven pm and the party was in full swing. Everyone, except Noora and Sana, were at least a beer down, dancing to 'It's Britney Bitch' with Eskild. Throughout the party, Noora's phone kept buzzing. I t was none other than William trying to reach to her. But she kept ignoring it. She secretly increased the volume of the music playing on the speakers so that no one would hear her phone buzz. She was really trying to keep it away from Vilde so that she doesn't question her like a young toddler let out in the world for the first time. When, suddenly, the music that was being controlled by Vilde's phone, stopped and she received a call. There was pin drop silence in the apartment and everybody's attention was at Vilde. Noora's heart started racing as Vilde picked up her phone to answer*

Vilde: Hey William!

Oi Vey!

 * Noora sighed under her breathe*

After a couple minutes of talking to William out the window, Vilde came back inside following Noora's gaze she handed over her phone to Noora.

Vilde: He wants to talk to you.

Noora: Herregud *Noora muttered under her breathe* 

Why don't you guys continue with the party! I'll be right back!

*she tried her best to keep a straight face, hide her anxiety and embarrassment as she casually walked past all the judgy stares from her friends. Increasing the volume of the music, she made her way to the balcony, took a long deep breathe in and irritably greeted the human on the other side of the call. Unafraid of how he's gonna react, she let him know she wasn't delighted answering his call.*

Noora: Hello William, What is it?

William: Hey, Noora! You wouldn't answer your phone, so i had to reach you. One way or another.

Noora: William, You cannot use my friends like that!

William: Yes, you are right. I apologize.

But, remember what we talked about?

Getting rid of me?

A date? 

You and me? 


You have to understand!

William: You know what Noora, Eva was right. If you're doing this for Vilde, she'll handle herself. You don't have to worry about her. She's a big girl now. I get it, you are her best friend and everything, but i know she can understand. You don't owe her anything. 

Noora: Geez, eves dropping much?

William: I know, but please, can i have one chance at least?

Noora could literally imagine him making a puppy face. ugh! NO! She had to be strong for this.

Noora: No! William, I don't like you. 

At all. *She added after a pause*

William: You know the more you say it, the more it sounds like you are trying to convince yourself.

Look, I get it. I'm too handsome or hot and you won't be able to contain yourself. *She could hear the slight mischief in his tone. It made a tad bit less mad at him*

William: But the least you can do is come at a party I'm hosting tomorrow?

Noora: William, I don't have time for your stupid parties. And if you think you can get in my pants just like that or that I would be some stupid party night hook up, then your assumptions could not be more wrong!

William did not say anything for the next couple of minutes. The when he spoke, he sounded different. Like a whole different person. He did not sound like his usual, casual, flirty, mischievous self. He sounded serious. Almost like whatever he meant whatever he was saying. Or that whatever Noora had said, had seriously hurt him.

William: All I'm doing here, Is trying my best.

It's just a party.The entire school will be here, and I'll more than happy if you are too.

I'm sorry to disturb you. I'll see you around. 

Good night, Noora Amalie Sætre  💜

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2020 ⏰

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