Prologue part 1 : Life in hell

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normal : talking


Italic : thinking / mind-conversation

BOLD : demon/some transformation's talk

underlines : narration

BOLD + underlines : song's lyrics

Y/N : Your Name

L/N : Last Name

f/c : favourite color

Beacon Academy was one of the numerous academies founded by the legendary Union, where the best could become heroes, if they wanted you to be one. Because there was a boy named Y/N L/N who was bullied because he was a freak as the students said, even the teachers have a part of it. His only friends were his teammates : Cinder Fall, Emerald Sutitain (sorry if mispelled), Mercury Black, Mercury's sister Mercy and Neopolitan. They were the only ones treating him like a friends and even beat up his bullies for him. Actually, Y/N was getting beaten by team SSSN and Issei, since Rias and her peerage came to visit their friends.

Sun : I can't believe freaks like you exist.

Neptune : How did you managed to be accepted anyway ?!

Issei : Girls don't like your kind !!!

Scarlet was then met with a fireball as a pissed off Cinder was walking toward Y/N as most of his bullies were scared since Cinder cut off Cardin's dick when he and his team were bullying Y/N. Some even said that Emerald secretly hide Cardin's dick in his food, it was proven to be true.

Cinder : Are you alright ?

Y/N : Don't worry... I've been throught worse.

Issei then kicked him in the face.


Cinder kicked Issei in the balls before grabbing him and surmoning a fire sword.

Issei : WAIT ! Don't do this ! How will have I childrens without my treasure ???!!!

Cinder : That's the point. You won't !

Issei : Just join my-

Cinder then cut Issei's dick off has he scream in agony while Y/N smiled at it.


Professor Port then come to see what's going on.

Port : What is going on here ???!!! (look at Y/N) You !!!

Port was about to say something but Cinder showed him Issei's dick. Port began to go purely white in panic.

Port : N- nothing as I... I see.

He then hurry to run away like a coward. Cinder then helped Y/N as she took him back to their dorms. Once in their dorms, Emerald and Neo started to treat Y/N's wounds.

Neo (using her scroll) : You seriously need to make them stop.

Y/N : How can I ? That bitch of Ozpin let them do whatever they want with me.

Mercury : I always knew he was just an asshole !

Emerald : Rrright.

Mercy : Well, I just hope he will got what he deserve.

Y/N : When the Grimm will invade Vale, I'll get some pop-corn to watch the chaos.

They were shocked at Y/N's words. Y/N knew that team CMEN was here to destroy Beacon under the command of Salem, the queen of grimm. But he didn't minded that, in fact he's supporting it.

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