- No, no you're not going to die. We will get through this together. I know you're a strong child and you can fight this. You said while creasing his small back.

(Time skip)

It was now the next day and Jeonsan was going into surgery. The doctors were going to operate the subcutaneous venous port or a central venous catheter in his chest and a large blood vessel. You and Jungkook were staying beside him as he was getting ready for surgery, wanting to be with him when he falls asleep and then be right beside him when he wakes up. The doctors explained what they were going to do and how they were going to do it. You and Jungkook had to wait outside until the operation was over. Just as you and Jungkook were about to leave you felt a small hand take your wrist. You turned around and saw Jeonsan looking at you with big nervous eyes.

- What is it Jeonsan? You asked as you creased his cheek calmingly with your hand.

- Eomma I'm scared.

- Aw I know baby, I know. But it will soon be over and everything will be alright. You said smiling supportingly.

You sounded brave but brave was the last thing you were, you knew you had to sound brave for Jeonsan's sake. He was already nervous as it was and if he knew how scared you were it would only make it worse.

- I don't wanf you and appa to leae. He said softly, crying.

- Don't worry me and appa will be right next to you when you fall asleep and when you wake up. You said wiping his tears away with your thumb on his cheek.

- You promis? He asked.

- Of course we do kiddo. Jungkook said smiling from behind you.

The doctors gave him anesthesia and soon Jeonsan was asleep. You and Jungkook had to leave the room but you stayed right outside. Jungkook left to get you both a cup of coffee because neither one of you had a good night sleep and were both really tired. You and Jungkook waited outside on a couch. The coffee didn't help and you rested your head on Jungkook's shoulder tiredly. Your intention was not to fall asleep but it didn't take long until you felt your eyes get heavier and heavier and soon you were asleep in his embrace.

(Time skip)

You woke up a few hours later by two voices talking. You opened your eyes a little bit to see who it was. You saw a doctor talking to Jungkook. He nodded his head as the doctor talked to him.

- So the surgery went well and you both are soon aloved to see him. We will take him to his room shortly. The doctor said.

- Ok, thank you. Jungkook said smiling.

The doctor smiled back and then left. You felt Jungkook's eyes land on you. Jungkook didn't know that you were awake so he softly kissed your forehead as he tried to wake you up while admiring your sleepy state.

- Baby, wake up. Jeonsan just got out of surgery. He said.

- Is he ok? You asked and looked at him.

- Yes he is and the surgery went great.

- That's good.

- Yeah, they are taking him to his room.

- Well we should go there then. You said as you sat up.

You and Jungkook walked back to Jeonsan hospital room. He wasn't there yet so you and Jungkook sat down and waited for him. As you sat down your phone rang. You looked at the screen and saw that it was your mom calling.

- Hello mom. You said.

- Hi honey, how are you? She asked.

- I'm good, just really tired. You said sighting.

- I understand that, How is Jungkook?

- He is great too I think. You said as you looked at Jungkook.

- Is Jeonsan ok?

- He just got out of surgery but I think he is fine. You said.

- Ohh well that's great.

- Yeah, how is Y/D/N? You asked.

- She is fine, she misses you, Jungkook and her little brother a lot.

- We miss her too much. You said sadly.

- You need to tell her Y/N, she keeps asking me what's wrong.

- I know, I know, it's just that everything went on so fast. Maybe you and her can come tomorrow? You asked.

- Yeah we can do that. Your mother said.

- Great, well I think Jeonsan is getting back now, I will see you tomorrow. You said and hung up.

The doctors came in with Jeonsan in his hospital bed. He was still sleeping peacefully as they rolled him in. You and Jungkook stood up and walked over to his bed. The doctors explained how the surgery went and what they did. Now it was just waiting until he woke up. 

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