#23.5 The Mysterious T.S.P (short)

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(Mini-Chapter UwU)

Narrator's POV

Poley walked into the station with a stressed look on his face. "Any luck?" Doggy asks as Y/N stood beside him thinking. Poley sighs and shook his head. "Whoever did this is good. I rechecked everything and there are no prints, no clues, no nothing! Just a note." He said taking the note he had found at the plant.

"There's no trace on the notes either," Doggy sighs leaning against the front desk of the station. Y/N snapped her finger and ran off to her desk. Almost flipping her whole desk over as she's looking for something. Poley and Doggy both raised a brow. Confused on what Y/N is up to. 

"I think I might have something that can help." She said holding a file filled with notes.


"You collected all of these from the infection?" Poley asks picking some up to inspect them. "Yeah. I came across quite a few of these and I thought at the time they mean something. So I kept them." Y/N said. 

The three of them are in one of the meeting rooms they had in the station. It was their lunchtime by the time they all for back, but this was more important. "Cadet, when did you start seeing these notes? I didn't see any when we were fleeing from the gallery." 

"I started seeing notes from T.S.P after I left the metro. And... I feel like you might know something about T.S.P's identity," Y/N said showing Doggy a note.

'Doggy and Foxy got what was coming to them.'


"Have you and Foxy meet before the infection?" She questioned. "I only meet him when we went to the carnival about the carnival closing down situation. Before that, I'd never knew who he was." Doggy claimed. "You don't know who T.S.P is?" Poley asks. Doggy shook his head. "I can't recall." 

"Bad thing..." Y/N mumbled to herself. She reread the note again. What's the bad thing that Foxy and Doggy got? "Wait!" Y/N yelled standing up almost tipping her chair over. "You said it before that someone forced you to drink the infected potion back in the forest, right? Did you see who it is?" 

"It was pitch black at that time, plus they were wearing a black hood and mask. I tried to see who it was, but whoever it is they are strong." Doggy said. "Foxy had the same thing happened to him...". Y/N quickly took out a paper and pen to take notes. "Black hood...strong...smart..."

'We can take advantage of the situation going on for our own plan. Thanks, Mr. P!'


'They've got what we need at the Hospital. We get what we need, then we leave.'


"T.S.P seems like they're gonna take over the infection, and it refers themselves as either 'we' or 'our'." Poley stated. "But why?" 

"Let's see what we got from T.S.P recently," Y/N suggested. "They took an old book about...humans was it? And they possibly placed the baby gas in the military plant." Poley said looking at the two notes they recently found. 

'It is a danger to us all, only time will tell...'


'Brace yourselves for the upcoming evil.'


"What does this all mean?" Y/N said lightly frustrated. "Our biggest guess is that they're planning something big," Doggy said. "They seem to know Mr. P as well," Y/N said taking notes. "No use in questioning him. He's still missing, and most likely to be dead."

"The baby gas... Professor Badgy said the gas was a potion before. And the ones who were most likely to be a part of the research were..." Y/N paused flipping through her file of note once again. 

'Ms. P, Sheepy, Bunny... Our initial group is gone. Now the researchers are, too. I am truly alone...' 

-Mr. P

"Sheepy and Bunny...They're our best bet at this point." Y/N said gripping onto the note tightly. Doggy and Poley looked at each other. "We've planned to work on the preparations in the forest this Thursday, maybe we can question them then." Y/N nods. She can't be there because she promised George, Richard, Zee, and Zuzy to take them with her to buy decorations. It's up to her two colleges to get at least some information about Mr. P's connection with  T.S.P.

"Hello officers," A voice can be heard in the doorway of the meeting room. The three turned round to see their chief, Chief Owlhead (That was the first thing that popped into my mind-) standing in the doorway. They immediately saluted as all other officers do when they see their chief. 

Chief Owlhead motioned them to stand down as he walked inside. "What are my three elite officers doing here during lunch break?" "We're working on a case about a gas leak and a break-in, sir," Poley said. 

"Sacrificing your one and only break to solve a case?" The chief chuckles. The three looked at each other, "This is what you had to do to keep everyone safe, sir, a few hours of break loss will be worth it." Y/N responded stacking all the notes scattered out the table back into her file. 

The chief nudged Doggy, still chuckling. "You taught her well, Officer Doggy." Doggy scratched the back of his head, looking at Y/N. "Heh, she's a talented girl after all. I sometimes think she's teaching me things more than I taught her." Doggy smiled at her and Y/N smiled back. All the stress she had for the past few days suddenly vanished within this moment. 

Chief Owlhead walked over to Y/N and placed a hand (wing?) on her shoulder. "You are a great inspiration to everyone, Y/N. I'm glad we have you in our community." 

"Thank you, sir. I promise we will find the one who's behind these cases." Y/N said confidently. 

Author's Note

~One little sea fish swimming in the sea~

~speed writing piggy happily!~

Hello, Hello! Yes, this is a  lot shorter than my other ones. Just a little chapter of them trying to crack the case of T.S.P. I just feel so hyper for some reason today that I just wrote this mini-chapter in one go. Wow. 

What do you think T.S.P stands for in the actual game? You'll know what I think of that at the end of this story. :3

Have a wonderful day everyone!!!

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