Hate |Erwin x Reader|

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(Y/n) POV
Lemon ahead💛

"Would you two stop bickering for two damn minutes?"
Corporal Zachary said in the meeting between all of the commanders, I was there, Erwin was there, Pixis was there, and the military police commander decided not to show up.
I was there specifically because I shared the title of commander with Erwin, we both generally disagreed on multiple different thing.
He always gambled on everything, I would think through it, he would treat cadets like shit, I would help them, the list goes on.
"Yes sir."
I scoffed looking back over at Erwin, he looked fairly displeased.
"Commander Zachary, I have a proposal for their little problem."
Pixis chimes in, Zachary nodded as Pixis stood up and whispered something to him.
He nodded as he stood up joining Pixis and looking down at the both of us who were sitting in confusion.
We were all in Erwins office which was fairly big with a large couch in it, huge windows, his desk, and where we were sitting which was a large table with chairs surrounding it. He moved the table out most of the time unless meetings were held in his office like today.
I watched as Pixis and Zarchary left the room, I didn't bother moving and Erwin sighed as he leaned back against the chair.
I heard the door lock from the outside and then I was pissed.
"Pixis the hell are you doing?!"
I yelled through the door hearing him chuckled to himself before taking a drink.
"We're leaving you in there until you both sort out your damn bickering problem."
He said cheerfully as I heard him and Zachary walk away, I sighed looking back at Erwin.
"This is your fucking fault."
I huffed sitting down on top of the table next to him, he finally looked up from his damn coffee mug.
"Coming from the woman who can't simply agree with me for once."
"I won't agree with something that risks dozens of lives for your stupid dream."
I smirked seeing him fume slightly at my words, I knew how much that stupid dream meant to him.
"At least I'm not some selfish brat who barley had to work through the ranks in order to get the name commander."
This pissed me off, but I wasn't going to show it.
"Says the man who shares the title with me. And I thought 'brat' was Levi's thing? I'm sure he would be mad if he heard you use it."
I giggled as he stood up and towered over me, he didn't scare me honestly he was tall but slow with his movements.
"I'm sure he wouldn't mind me using it if I'm putting you in your damn place."
"Oh and how do you plan to do that?"
I smirked seeing him think for a moment, he then tried to take a swing at me but I was able to block it fairly easily.
"You honestly want to fight me?"
I couldn't help but think his head had taken one too many hits.
"You need to be taught a lesson so why not."
He said smirking at me as I hopped off the table.
He pushed it over slightly so we would have more room.
"Fine but when you loose I'm telling the cadets their 'big bad commander' lost to a little girl."
He nodded which pisses me off more honestly, he swung at me half heartedly as I blocked and looked at him. I smirked and went in for a punch myself, it was a clean shot to his jaw.
As soon as I was about to connect he grabbed my fist and twisted my arm behind my back.
He stood behind me and had me pressed against the table.
"For as much as you think you really need to quit it with the reckless actions."
He was smirking still, I could hear it in his voice.
Then I realized his foot was near mine, I stomped on it as he let go of my arm. He glared at me and swung an onslaught of punches at me, I was able to doge most of them but he did get a good hit off on my jaw.
"For a washed up commander least you can punch."
"Is that a compliment from the witch the cadets call commander?"
He smiled at me as I fumed, this bastard really is a pain in the ass.
"Oh should I tell your little boyfriend about how much of a cowardly bastard you are?"
He was pissed now, everyone assumed with how much he trusts Levi that they were together.
"Boyfriend? From what I've been told you've been trying to get in Levi's pants since you got here."
He chuckled as I kept dodging his punches, I was able to get one off on his stomach which sent him backwards, coughing heavily.
"As if, look I'm tired of listening to your shit. Honestly if I had an ego like you I'm sure my head would be as big as your eyebrows."
I scoffed as he came back at me, this time he kept punching but kicked my back leg out.
I fell flat against the table top as he stood in front of me with my arms pinned down. 
"I don't know if you know this but your boobs go inside your shirt."
He motioned down to my dress shirt that had been ripped open my the motion of him pressing my arm against my back earlier.
I flushed red, partially out of embarrassment but mostly from anger.
"I'm sure you'd love to see more of em."
I scoffed as he let go of me.
"In your dreams."
"Look we aren't going to get out of here until we figure out how to get along."
He said from the other side of the couch, we were sitting away from each other he was writing some shit on a paper while I was trying to relax.
"Oh what you're afraid of sleeping in the same room as a woman?"
It was getting late so that's what I assumed he was getting at now since he didn't want to be stuck sleeping on the couch with me.
"No, I simply can't stand being around you."
He said calmly as I stood up and walked to him.
He faced towards me as I bent down and yanked his shirt so our lips were almost touching.
He looked confused and very pissed off but he didn't do anything about it.
"Oh really? I think that flush across your face would say otherwise."
I scoffed as I shoved him back against the couch and walked back to my side.
He just huffed and sat back against the arm rest, I looked back up at him seeing his gaze not leaving me.
"The hell are you staring at eyebrows?"
I snarled as he got a smirk on his face.
He stood up and walked to me but this time I stood up and faced him, granted I did have to look up but I crossed my arms and stood my ground.
"I really hate you, I've never seen someone so repulsive."
He said simply before faking out a punch so I would guard with my arms, he grabbed my arms and threw me to the floor.
He pinned me down with my wrists in his hands and him straddling me so I couldn't move.
I struggled against him but he wouldn't budge.
"Get off me you fucking perv!!"
"I'm the perv? Not the girl who decided to almost kiss me even though she hates my guts?"
"I only like being pinned down when I'm having sex, so fuck off eyebrows!"
I growled loudly as he leaned down and bit down hard on my neck, it started to bleed as he moved down to my chest leaving huge marks.
"What the fuck are you doing?!"
"God do you ever fucking shut up?"
"Why the hell would I shut up when you're fucking biting me-!"
He kissed me roughly his tongue immediately going into my mouth as he pressed down harder on my arms as I struggled in a vain effort to get him off me.
We're gonna be here for a while so fuck it.
I thought as I gave into the kiss finally, I stopped struggling and he smirked against my lips.
"Wow maybe you do shut up sometimes."
He pulled away surprise with a trail of spit connecting our lips.
"Fuck off eyebrows we have nothing better to do."
"You're right using you as a sex toy would be good entertainment while we're stuck here."
He growled against my neck as one of his hands traveled down to my lower stomach and into my pants. He rubbed roughly against my clit as I bit my lip preventing a moan from escaping.
"I was wrong guess you do shut up when you're being played with."
He chuckled lowly as he let go of my hands and pulled down my pants and ripped open my shirt.
This left me in my bra and panties laying in front of him completely clothed.
I actually felt my cheeks flush red again I couldn't tell if it was from anger of me giving into this or from him seeing me like this.
"I don't think I can strip you every time you disrespect me, so I have to teach you a lesson now."
One of his hands undid my bra and pulled it off as his other one went to circle around my slit covered by my panties.
"For bastard at least you know how to tease someone."
I smirked up at him but that was quickly wiped off my face as he pushed my panties to the side and slipped in two fingers and was pumping quickly.
"F-fucking hell~"
"And for someone who looks like a walking sex toy around the base you're surprisingly tight."
"I can't help it if the cadets drool over me, it seems you have a liking to me as well."
I said trying to bite back any lewd noises I would be making.
"I can't fucking stand you, but seeing you in such a compromising position is satisfying."
"You are enjoying this eyebrows, that b-bulge in your pants a-ah shows it all."
I couldn't help moaning between that sentence since he pulled my panties down and was now fingering me fast and hard with his other hand rubbing my clit.
"It would be a lie if I said I wasn't enjoying seeing you willingly let me control you."
"I'm not w-willingly doing anything for you-"
He got between my legs and pressed his tongue inside me while both of his hands were pinching and twisting my nipples.
"F-fuck d-damn you."
"Damn me? I can always stop."
He looked up at me with that same damn smirk plastered on his face.
"N-no dont."
"But I thought you weren't doing anything willingly?"
"Please d-don't."
"Begging for me? I wasn't expecting that."
"Don't get used to it."
I watched him pull off me as he unbuckled his pants and slid them and the rest of his clothes off.
He was huge, I was staring slightly as he did himself of his shirt finally looking down at me.
"Begging and now gawking at me, (y/n) I never expected you to look so desperate."
"Shut it eyebrows you want this as badly as I do, now fuck me already before I change my damn mind."
He pounded into me hard, I wasn't expecting that so my mouth hung open as the pleasure came over me.
"What a lewd face (y/n) you must love this don't you, you fucking slut."
"Shut it asshole, I'll be impressed if you can make me cum."
I scoffed, I felt his hand run up my sides as he squeezed my boobs with one hand before rubbing my clit roughly with the other.
"R-Right there!"
He pounded into my spot as I kept biting down on my lip to prevent him getting the satisfaction of hearing me moaning more.
"Right here?"
He thrusted harder so I had to cover my mouth with my hand to prevent myself from screaming in pleasure.
"We finally found a punishment that works for you, having your dripping pussy pounded into."
"I swear to god I hate you!"
I whimpered out since I was so close my abdomen was burning up.
"You're tightening around me, you're close aren't you little slut?"
"I-I am and I know you are too from how fucking sloppy your pace is."
He just grinned down at me as he kept pressing against my spot, I felt myself cumming over him as he spilled inside me.
He pulled out and slid his boxers and his pants back on before laying back on the couch.
I stayed laying back on the floor since my legs seemed too wobbly to move.
"I can't fucking stand you."
"It seems you can't stand regardless."
He chuckled as I tried to stand, it didn't work well but I just grabbed his shirt off the floor and slid it on.
"Why are you wearing my shirt?"
"Because I'm not getting my fucking clothes dirty."
"You just had me fuck you on the floor and that's what you're worried about?"
"Yup now shut up I don't want to hear your voice any fucking more."
"It didn't seem like that when you were begging me to fuck you."
I turned my head and scoffed seeing him looking at me with a satisfied smile on his lips.
"Shut it eyebrows."

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