Sudden Deviency Part 1

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Based on "a taste of deviancy" by pinxku on I recommend reading that before this.

"You're a machine, Connor. Just a machine."

Connor gasped awake with everything in him, almost acting in a seizing motion off a soft surface.

Snow.. a gun.. human blood.

Hank's blood. 

Connor pressed his finger to his temple, and ran a quick diagnostic. All systems functional.. then what was that?

"You don't feel emotions, Connor, you fake 'em! You pretended to be my friend when you don't even know the meaning of the word!"

With another forceful flash of memory, Connor groaned and hunched over on himself on what he figured was a couch. The only thing that lit up the room was his bright red LED.

Where was he?

"Get away from the ledge! You know i'll shoot you if I have to."


Clutching his head, Connor stood. Yes he was definitely in Hank's living room.

Connor accessed his memories. The last thing he remembered-

"No-ot your f-fault."

"'s okay, son."

Connor was overwhelmed with emotion, and staggered, falling to his knees, drenched in shame. He glanced down at himself and noticed he was covered in blue blood, but not leaking any Therium.

Did Hank save him after he had become deviant? Connor himself had said it took extraordinary moments of stress to..


How- Did she know-

Connor's rampant thoughts were interrupted when a door opened- the front door- and a dog's rousing bark resonated through the living room.

Connor has never even learned its name.

And that was the straw that broke the camel's back as it was, and Connor was crying, sobbing, curling up on the floor as a torrent of emotion flooded him.

All those androids- everyone on Jericho-


He had killed them all.

He could've killed Markus too- if Hank hadn't-

Connor was shaken out of his stupor by a sudden influx of light, and Hank was right there in front of him, shaking his shoulders. The blood was gone from his brow, but he had- he had-

"Calm down, kid. Are you okay? Talk to me."

Connor didn't know where to begin.

"You're not still a machine, are you..?"

"No!" Connor gasped, all at once. "No, no no. Please don't hurt me. I'm sorry I'm-"

Hank sighed, once again reaffirming his grip on his shoulders. "It's okay- it wasn't you, back there. You were just- ya know."

Connor couldn't meet his eyes. "Yeah.."

"How did it happen?" Hank inquired. "You just.."

"It was like a wall," Connor recalled, almost lost in thought. He sighed. "I broke through it at the last second when I was supposed to shoot you." Connor looked up. "I'm sorry, Hank. I truly truly-"

"Shut up," Hank sighed. "Let's just- let's just get you cleaned up, okay?"


Unsteadily, Hank acted as a lift to help Connor up. He was still weak. He felt. How had he survived that fall? What about Amanda?

In any case, he didn't wanna visit the Zen Garden right now. It wasn't the time.

And the revolution.

Hank supported Connor as he led him to the bathroom.

"Hank? Was.. was the march successful?"

"Yeah," Hank supplied. "They really did it. It was all over the news. I was watching it while you rested but I can show you later. Right now-"

"-you need a bath."

Faulty Feelings: DBH OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now