You rise from the table and offer your hand to Kylo. "I have something to show you."

Kylo's eyebrows dart up in surprise, but he reaches out and takes your hand nonetheless. You lead him out of your quaint little house and through the peaceful streets of the city. You couldn't remember the last time he had ever held your hand. Had he ever even held it before? The heat of his palms were leaking through the leather of his gloves, warming your hand in a comforting grasp. Just the size of his hand compared to yours was enough to make you dizzy.

As you approach the glimmering lake tucked between the trees, you begin to grow excited. You squeeze Kylo's hand and begin to tug him toward the shoreline. He looks at you with curiosity and amusement. He looked almost proud of your giddiness. The amusement fades to pure confusion as his brows furrow at the sight of a beautiful lake house surrounded by dense greenery.

"Where are we?" Kylo questions.

"You'll see." Your eyes glimmer.

He follows you around the back of the house to where a small gate guarded the path onto the patio. It seemed that the entire home was locked down, but that wasn't stopping you. Kylo looks at you in surprise as you bunch up your skirts and climb over the gate.

"What?" You smirk. "Is the Supreme Leader scared to trespass?"

Kylo rolls his eyes and grips the gate tightly, swinging his leg over. He lands on the other side and straightens out, giving you a smug little look. You grab his hand once more and drag him along the side of the house. The narrow tile path finally gives way to a secluded little patio alongside the water. You release him and lean against the stone railing, looking happily out over the water.

He takes his place beside you but couldn't seem to get rid of his itching curiosity. "Why did you bring me here?"

You give him a small smile and gently push him aside to reveal a golden plaque on the railing. Words were engraved into the old metal in swirling letters and looping lines. It was obvious that it had been here for quite some time. Kylo leans down to better see the words. His heart nearly stops.

'In loving memory of Senator Padmé Amidala and Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker'

He stares at you. "How did you find this place?"

"I'm not sure. I was just walking along the lake and it felt as though something drew me here." You trail your fingers over the lettering. "I thought you would like it..."

"I do." Kylo places his hand over yours reassuringly. "Thank you."

You nod and look back out over the water. It glistens underneath the sun, reflecting the clear blue sky in its crystal waters. The waves lap gently against the stone just beneath the patio railing. Even after only living here for seven months, you absolutely adored this place. Naboo made you feel at home. You couldn't imagine leaving to go back to the Supremacy.

"What's wrong?" Kylo's deep voice rumbles.

Sucking in your breath sharply, you look up at him and shake your head. "It's nothing. I swear." You quickly add, "don't worry."

Kylo's honey brown eyes scan your face. It made you realize how much you had missed those eyes of his. They were so captivating. So cold one minute and so soft the next. He takes a sudden step towards you, taking you by the jaw. He leans in and presses his lips to yours, his thumb trailing along your jawline. You brace your hands on his chest and smile against his lips. As difficult as this was going to be, it felt good to have him back.

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