Chapter 2

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Clarke's POV

"Wake up Clarke" I hear someone say in my ear while giving me kisses, I had a terrible hangover from the rager last night at ravens, "Clarke" he whispers one more time in my ear I knew it was Finn I didn't even mean to sleep with him but I guess it just happened like it does every Sunday.

"What time is it?" I ask rolling over to see him smiling at me I smile back to be polite

"6:15" he said I look at him in shock

"OH MY GOD YOUR SO DUMB FINN I NEEDED TO BE UP EARLY SO I COULD GET TO THE SOCCER MEET ON TIME" I yell at him jump up and grab the quickest clothes I could find which was a pair of jeans Calvin Klein underwear a Nike sports bra and a guns and roses t-shirt I run down stairs so fast I almost face planted

"Woah there Clarkie wheres the fire?" My mom asked as I grab a piece of toast and yank my shoes on as Finn walks down the stairs " what the hell, again Clarke?" She asked as Finn walks to the downstairs bathroom

"Sorry mom we all have needs" I say as I shrug at her and run out the door to my car Finn comes to the window "what?" I ask as I roll down the window

"I'm pretty sure your supposed to have your back pack when you go to school" he says and winks at me I shiver in disgust because I really didn't like Finn he was just there.

He walks to his car as I speed off in mine.

As I got to school I saw Raven look at me with anger in her eyes I walk up to her to apologize but she walks away before I could say anything.

Lexas POV

This year I was officially a sophomore my second year in high school it was 7:14 I had one minute to get to my class but I really had to pee I was speed walking then all of a sudden I crashed into someone "oh shit man I'm sorry" I say clutching my severely bruised stomach I look up and make eye contact with the most beautiful blue eyes I think I've ever seen we kinda just stand there for a moment staring in to each other then we snapped out of from the sound of a bell ringing "oh man I'm sorry I made you late for class" I say very apologetic because I really did feel bad so I bend down to pick up her fallen note books and shortly after me she comes down to my level

"No I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I
Was going"she says when again blue meets green she looks back down and introduces herself "I'm Clarke Griffin" she says while she holds out her hand as we stand up.

I was about to introduce myself but she spoke before me " no need for you to introduce yourself I know you Lexa Woods the Softball captain of Pollis high" she say I stare at her in shock I think omg hot girl knows my name

" oh, well it was nice to meet you Clarke Griffin" I say walking away while staring back at her

"You too Lexa Woods" she says back I smile in joy at the way she says my name

I get to first class Mrs.Green montys mom my favorite she gives me a warning about coming in late again so I sit down behind a girl named Raven I didn't really know her but I knew she knew octavia and was Head of the Soccer team

Some how I made it to 3rd period without peeing my pants so I during third period is lunch so I go to the bathroom to do my business I pull up my pants and tuck everything back where it was before and then my door slammed in on my stall it was Costia that bitch was always causing drama she closes the door behind her and locks it I look at her with a confused look "what is it Costia?" I ask as she steps forward grabbing my waist pulling me in closer.

"You know I always wondered why you never hooked up with all those girls I mean for god sake the practically lined up for you, but no you just never slept with one of them." She says grabbing my hand and placed them on her ass and makes me squeeze them I blush a little because she is really hot and she always did have a big ass that I liked to stare at a lot " but now I know why" she says while she throws me back on the toilet seat so I'm sitting down I feel my self getting really hard right now I look down to see if my compression shorts are stoping the boner from being visible but I was too big

She stares down at my boner then get on my lap straddling me tightly I swear I thought my dick was gonna pop out of the jeans she was so close to my face and whispered "I always knew you had a thing for me she say and starts to grind herself on my leg pleasuring herself on my leg that really turned me on then after a hot few minutes she had an orgasm on my leg which made me so much more horny than I was she got up from her stance and pulled me up with her I grab her hips she laughs at me and pushes me always and says "have fun with that" as she gestures to my really noticeable boner in my jeans and walks out of the bathroom, damn "she such a tease" I whisper to myself then realized oh shit she knows I'm trans....

Hey hope you guys enjoyed this chapter

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