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Third person p.o.v:

Jin and Jungkook met up with the others, in the restaurant and they all had dinner while chatting and laughing.

"Stop right there. Nobody is getting drunk!" Namjoon said loudly, when Yoongi and Jimin started ordering alcohol for everyone, and talking about who can finish their drinks first.

"Come on, hyung, don't kill the mood, we just want to have fun." Jimin said casually as the waiter left to get their drinks.

"No, we all have work to do in the morning and Jungkook has school, cancel the order." Namjoon said, not convinced at all.

"I don't." Yoongi said with a smug look on his face, making Namjoon give him an unimpressed look.

"It's okay hyung, I can take a drink or two without getting drunk, I am going to be 21 so it should be easy." Jungkook said confidently, even though that's mostly a lie because he doesn't drink that often. (flashbacks to when Jungkook got drunk on a Vlive with a bottle of wine.)

"See? And we are adults, we can handle this, don't worry." Hoseok said, trying to get Namjoon to agree, because if he cannot allow it, none of them can drink.

Namjoon sighed and agreed."Ahh, okay, but I am not drinking, we need someone to drive us home."

"Me too, I have my own car so." Jin added then continued to chug the food down his throat.

"Nice!" Taehyung said and high-fived the excited Jungkook.

An hour passes and Namjoon already regrets letting them drink, because now they all look like drunk heads who had their first alcoholic drink in 15 years, except Yoongi who is staring in the distance, looking like he is questioning his whole existence.

"We are going home." Jin said before Namjoon could and got up to help them go to the car.

"Noooo hyung!" Jungkook hiccuped. "I stiw want....want to dwink. Pwease?" Jungkook give puppy eyes to Jin, who took the bottle from his hands.

"No Jungkook, you already drunken enough. Jimin stop making out with the saltshaker! Taehyung, don't take off your clothes! And Hoseok stop dancing on top of the table! Now!" Jin shouted and went to get Hoseok down from the table, while Jungkook went to hug the half-naked Taehyung.

"Yoongi, I don't think it's the time to have an identity crisis." Namjoon said, tapping on Yoongi's shoulder, who looked at him with dead fish eyes.

"Why do we live? What's the purpose? Why am I me? Shadows control our lives if we give up, the darkness is a scary thing, that comes eventually but how can you live with it?" Yoongi kept asking questions, making Namjoon slowly back away, and went to check on Jimin instead.

After almost half an hour, they got them in the car, Taehyung, Jimin and Hosok were with Namjoon, while Jungkook and Yoongi went with Jin.

Namjoon and Jin bid their goodbyes, after Namjoon paid, and both got in their cars and left with the drunks in the back seats.

"I swear if I wasn't such a nice guy, I would have told Namjoon to leave them all there, except Jungkook of course, who can leave an angel alone with a bunch of devils." Jin said to himself, then started playing music, not noticing what was happening in the back seats.

"Koo, you are pretty." Yoongi said drunkly, holding Jungkook's hand.

"Hyungie is pwettty twoooo, the pwettiest in whule wowld." Jungkook giggled and played with Yoongi's hand.

"Wanna be my boyfriend?" Yoongi asked with a drowsy look on his face.

"Can't, mate, we hwave mates, we cawan't." Jungkook said sadly, a pout on his face.

"I wish we didn't have mates, why can't I choose my partner by myself? I want to pick the person I love, not be obligated by some dump sh*t like fate." Yoongi complained as he closed his eyes with a sigh.

"Bwat what if Yoonie stawt likwing mwate (mate)." Jungkook asked, wanting to know the answer and not know it at the same time.

"But I like you, not some other person I never met before." Yoongi said, looking a bit irrational.

"Bwat we, we mewet a few daways ago, meowbe (maybe) onwce Yoonie see mewate (mate), Yoonie fwoget me and likey thwem." Jungkook said, forgetting that he is Yoongi's mate.

"Hmm, even if I start liking someone else, it doesn't mean I will stop liking you, even if I have a mate, you will always have a place in my heart that nobody else is going to have. I don't want to forget, I know it will hurt later but I don't want to, you are too precious to be forgotten...." Yoongi started loosing himself to sleep, and before he could finish, he fell asleep on top of Jungkook's shoulder.

"Yoonie is cwote, Kookie wown't lewt stwupid mwate twake awayay Yoonie, Kookie will fiwight thewm and hwave Yoonie fwor himwelf." Jungkook had a determined look on his face, but soon yawned and rubbed his eyes due to tiredness, from his first day and school and the alcohol.

Soon after, he fell asleep as well as Jin continues to drive while having a karaoke by himself.

While elsewhere in Busan, Jungkook's uncle has been trying to find a way to go to Jungkook because leaving Jungkook with strangers wasn't that much of a good idea, even if the man sounded genuinely nice, but to no vail, he had to stay to continue his work to send money to Jungkook to pay the rent for the house for the house and he had to pay for his school expenses, plus his children as well, not counting his daughter's wedding, taking a break wasn't a good idea, he was on a lot of stress and this just made it worst.

He was currently sitting on the dinner's table, in the middle of the night, trying to find a solution to his problem, when his son came out of nowhere and asked what was wrong. He sighed and told his everything, to see if his trouble making son can give him some ideas and he did, by saying he will go himself.

Bye 🌸💜.

Sorry if there is any mistakes.

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