The Aquarium part 1

Start from the beginning

"it's fine just tell me next time," Ashton changes his focuse to the othr people standing and staring at them.

"Oh, I'm sorrry, I'm Ashton and this is Calum nice to meet,"

" I'm Julia and this is David," The women with blonde hair and a plumish face but it was cute, kind of like Calum's. She was shorten then both Ashton ad Calum probably 5'7. The man that must od been David had light brown hair and blue eyes with a strong jaw bone, and was about the same height as Ashton.

"Nice to meet you, " Calum says smiling walking closer until he was beside Ashton.

"And you" david replies kindly.

"We should be going, now though" Ashton says still smiling.

"But I want to stay with Fiona," Harry whined, that stung Ashton a little but nevertheless he needed to find Michael.

"What about Michael and Luke, we need to find them, Harry," Ash says

"It's fine, we can watch him for like an hour and then meet back by the entrance," Julia says smiling.

" I'm not so sure about that," Ashton trails off looking at his brother who was giving him big puppy do eyes.

"Alright Harry, just don't get in trouble, see you later," Calum was shocked that Ashton had given in so easily, what happens to never leaving his brother alone, like ever. Ashton had a different thought processes with this decision but it was along the lines that Thea people seem nice and Harry needs friends of his own age. He never really had many so maybe this would be good for him, maybe. Calum and Ashton started to walk away saying goodbye to the couple and the children and went to find Michael and Luke.

Meanwhile well this was all happened Luke had rushed Michael into the Galway that lead them to the Penguins, the passed a walrus and a couple of seal, which Michael had to stop and watch for awhile. Until Luke got bored and dragged him off deeper into the building.

They reached the Penguins at long last, and Luke went up to the glass and kind of just looked at them. Michael thought that the seals were more interesting but if Luke was happy he was happy.

"Michael aren't they cute," Luke gushed over the birds and pointed out his favorite.

"Yeah Luke,"

"Let's go to the gift shop," luke says walking in the one gift shop near the Penguins.

The shop was filled with penguin keepsakes and stuffed animals. Luke noted a black woven bracelet with silver penguin charm on it. He thought how good Michael would look in it his two favorite things, a penguin and a Michael. Luke bought the bracelet he would give it to Michael later he stuck it in his pocket and waited for Michael to finish looking

Michael had the same idea, but instead of that bracelet he saw a ring with Penguins etched into it, this was total Luke, he is one of the only guys Michael knows that wears rings, but he bought a chain too just incase Luke rather have a necklace, but when would give it to him...

Michael puts the ring in his pocket and walks out to where Luke is.

"So do you know where Ash or Cal are?" Michael asks just noticing they where gone.

"I don't actually know," Luke says a little worry in his voice. Michael turns and walks away Luke following. The walked back down past the Penguins and the seals. Michael had to forcibly pull Luke away from the Penguins, Luke started whining a bit, after the left. It went back and forth like this Michael would get distracted Luke would pull him away and it continued like this till the reached the main entrance and saw Ashton and Calum sitting on a bench laughing. Ashton's face completely red and eyes lit up with laughter. Calum whispered something else in Ash's ear making him blush to no avail, he let out a school girl giggle. Which made Calum though his head back laughing.

Then a couple came out of know where, with a couple of kids one happened to be Harry. Ashton got up and started talking to them then the left.

Ashton was talking to Julia asking questions about his brother seeing if he was okay, and didn't get into any trouble.

She pulled of to the side.

"Are you and Calum dating," Ashton's face lit up again but he didn't reply.

"W-we're figure it out," Ashton stutters looking down at the ground.

"You two look cute together, We should go now though," Julia says sweetly ruffling Ashton as she goes back to her family.

They say there goodbyes and watch them leave.

"So who were they?" Michael asks

" I made a friend, her names Fiona," Harry says smiling

"oh good Harbear," Michael hasn't used that nickname in years

"So where to know" Luke says

"We didn't even see all the fish," Michael exclaimed eyes full of horror.

"We can come back Michael whenever," Luke says

"I'm going to the bathroom," ashton pulls Calum away.

They walk into the bathroom Ashton eyes where looking down at the ground.

"What are we?" Ashton looked up at Calum. Calum looked back getting a little closer

"What do you mean Ash,"

" I mean are we anything,"

"No we're everything," Calum kisses Ashton with such passion, It left Ashton breathless.

"I-i-i, Calum," Ashton doesn't know what to say so he just kisses him some more.

"We should probably go," Calum says pulling away
"Come on Boyfriend," Ashton giggled after this remark and goes to meet the other boys.

"To the Arcade," Luke says and the boys leave the arcade. This was a pretty good start to the day, Calum thought, as he took Ashton's hand as they walked to the car.

* Author's Note*
I made this longer to apologize for not being able to post it, I love you guys thanks for reading and stuff, I hope one day you meet 5sos in the ocean on the boat, in Narnia

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