Chapter 5

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"School, are you crazy?" "Probably or you could be a cat all day when my Mom comes home,"
"I have a tail and ears, they're looking for Hybrids. I do not want to go back to a lab," "You can hide it,"
"Yeah sure,"
"No I'm serious,"
"I am too, this could be dangerous,"
"I know but,"
"But what" Michael cuts in, peeved off at the idea of any of this.
"I just want you there," Luke says looking at the ground.
"Why, you're being selfish,"
"Yes, yes I am and youknow why because I would hate myself forever, If you got hurt and I wasn't there.I don't want to come home one day and you not being there. I want to protect you and I can't do that if you stay here. So I am selfish but I just don't want them to find you"
Michael's eyes soften and he goes to hold Luke in his arms.
"We have to ask the others" Michael was taking a chance hoping it would be a resounding no. But with his luck things would become move complicated.
"Okay, So you're in" Luke says hopefully.
"No I just gonna see what Ash and Cal say."
"Well ok" his smile wavers as he speaks the words, wanted the boy to just go with him already.

Meanwhile Ashton and Calum were getting cleaned up , in separate rooms of course to Calum's great dismay. He knew that he and Ash just met but he truly likes him. It's funny how in just one, that boy had become what he thought about all the time.
"Cal are you almost done?" He gets snapped out of his thoughts by Luke's voice, and the banging on his closed door.
"Um, yeah, almost," Calum just wanted to sit in silence and just think for a while. He got up to leave, then he remembered to put a new shirt on. Ashton really wouldn't of minded if Calum came out without a shirt on though. The other boys were waiting for him outside the door.

"So what do you want?" Calum asks leaning against the door frame.

"Um, we have to ask you two a question," Luke motions to Calum and Ashton.

"What are you guys getting married or something?" Ashton laughs at Calum's stupid joke.

"No," Michael exclaims defencively.

"So, what is it then?" Ash tilts his head sideways and glance at Luke and Michael.

"I think you and Michael should go to school," Luke says quickly putting his head down.

"Yeah, I'll go to school sure,"

"ASHTON IRWIN, what are you thinking you're crazier the Luke," Michael lets out, Luke looks taken aback both from MIchael exclaimtion and the fact that Ash also said yes.

" Is this actually a good idea though?" Calum adds "I mean people are looking for Hybrids and stuff..." he trails off lost in thought.

" Well I know but it would look strange if they didn't go to school, also we can't take care of them if we're at school something could happen. Anyway Ash wants to go to school," Luke explains.

" Yeah, um sure, I guess," Calum not exactly knowing what he thought of the idea but he didn't have a good argueing point for either side.

" Fine" I don't even care, I'm going to go take a nap," Michael walks away, very anger at the decision, and then enters the guest room locking the door behind him. Just falling down on the bed, he wasn't even tired, and just laid there thinking about, well nothing really.
Luke and Ashton were worried about Michael, but they knew it was best to just leave him alone. Michael doesn't like being wrong or out voted. He wanted this to blow up in Luke's face so he could tell him he was right.
"I think I'll take a nap too" Calum goes back into his room, he grabs Ashton's hand and brings him into room too.
Luke just stands there in the hallway doing nothing, looking Calum's shut door.
"Cal, I'm going to go for a walk,"
Luke runs down the stairs and out the door grabbing a jacket and pulling it over his clothes. Luke just keeps running.

* Author's Note*

Hey, Thanks for reading.

Do you guys think Luke's idea is a good one?

A Cat's Tail Muke~Cashton  hybrid storyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu