Stage Jang-Mi was outside smiling at everyone running around to find their partner. She walked up to her teacher who was dressed in black and smiled as she drew her number.

"A lot of boys are fighting to be your partner Park Jang-Mi" He said smiling at the girl.

"I'd be happy if Yeo Juda was my partner at least then I'd feel safer walking in the dark" Jang-Mi replied bluntly. Honestly it's stupid sending hormonal teenagers out at night and I doubt I'll get Juda. I bet I'll end up with Lee Dohwa knowing the cliche writer.

She saw Juda and Dohwa open their cards and look at each other disappointedly. Suddenly Namju grabbed Juda's card, wow I bet my Maserati that him and Juda got the same number. She approached the group and smiled.

"Yeo Juda tell me we are partners!" She exclaimed holding her friend's hand. No you guys aren't sadly.

"Sorry cousin she's my partner. Let's go Juda" Namju said walking off. I KNEW IT! Am I good or what? Ha! Juda walked off but stopped and waved at the pair.

"Ya Jang-Mi you should open your card. I heard practically every boy wants to be your partner" Dohwa said smiling at his friend. Yes but I already know my partner so let's get this on with.

She opened her card and turned it towards Lee Dohwa, he smiled at her number.

"Well I guess I'm the lucky boy who gets to partner Park Jang-Mi"


"I FUCKEN KNEW WE'D BE PARTNERS" Jang-Mi exclaimed pointing in Dohwa's face. The boy sighed and tore his card.

"Wow way to make a girl feel better about herself" she sighed tearing her own card. She linked arms with the sad boy.

"We can be sad together over the fact that we both didn't get to hike with Juda" she smiled at her friend who smiled back at her.

"I like your outfit but seriously who hikes in white sneakers?" He laughed at her slight frown.



Stage Jang-Mi and Lee Dohwa walked towards the trail. She opened her bag and pulled out her flashlight.

"Let me guess Lily's survival kit?" Dohwa asked showing her his matching flashlight. The pair laughed at how helpful her kit was.

"Yup I got my flashlight,energy bars and bear repellent with me" Jang-Mi patted her side bag. I've said it once and I'll say it again I've got the best sister in the world. Dohwa laughed at the short girl walking with him.

"I doubt we will need the bear repellent but I will be in need of an energy bar" he smiled.


"Stay away from my energy bars you have your own!" Jang-Mi swatted Dohwa's hand away from her bag.

"Ya Park Jang-Mi I hope the bears get you first." He deadpanned.


There was a loud scream in the wood as Dohwa and Jang-Mi were walking. Jang-Mi latched onto his arm.

"Ya Lee Dohwa what if someone got mauled by a bear?" She said looking around. Then use the bear repellent but try get a picture! Dohwa laughed at the girl and the carried on walking, Jang-Mi started to take note of all the plants around them.

She stopped and started picking at the tree infront of her. She pulled a piece of bark off the tree and smiled. Tree bully!

"Ya Lee Dohwa! Do you know what tree this is?" She turned around excited but saw no one. "Dohwa?!" He better not be playing a prank on me. She turned around and walked past two trees.

"Ya Lee Dohwa this isn't funny! It's late and dark stop trying to scare me, because when you jump out from wherever I'll knock you out" she panicked and shined her flashlight everywhere. Omo did he really leave me? In the fucken woods! At least I have bear repellent.

"That.. that.. THAT IDIOT LEFT ME PARK JANG-MI IN THE WOODS?!" Stage Jang-Mi searched her bag for her phone knowing she packed it. She couldn't find it. Now who's the idiot? What modern day teenager forgets their phone? She moaned and walked off.

Her heart raced as she tried to remember her route back. She focused on the ground in case she stepped on something. Oh sweet Jesus please don't let there be snakes here. Bugs I can handle but not snakes. She bumped into something warm and dropped her flashlight.

"AHHH!!! FOREST BEAR" she screamed trying to grab her repellent. A flashlight was shined in her face. Do bears have built in eye flashlights? She opened her eyes and saw Baek Kyung holding the flashlight. She smiled sheepishly and scratched the back of her neck.

"Forest Bear? Where is Dohwa I thought he was your partner?" He questioned picking up her flashlight and handing it to her.

"I thought Eun Danoh was your partner where is she?" Oof nice clap back stage me! Kyung rolled his eyes at the girl's attitude.

"I asked first"

"I don't know where Lee Dohwa is, I turned to look at a tree and some plants and when I turned back he was gone" she crossed her arms still upset about being forgotten. When I see Lee Dohwa he is going to wish he wasn't born.

Kyung grabbed her hand and laced their fingers together and pulled her behind him. Jang-Mi didn't argue still slightly scared of the dark forest. The two walked in silence, Kyung leading the way and Jang-Mi looking at the plants. She stopped and pulled Kyung back.

"Look at that! That's mistletoe" she used her flashlight to point out the flower. Why would a mistletoe plant be here?

Kyung cleared his throat and looked at the plant.

"Isn't there an American tradition about mistletoe?" Jang-Mi turned around.

"Actually it's a Norse traditio-" She was cut off by Baek Kyung pecking her lips.

"I know it's bad luck to not kiss under a mistletoe with berries" he replied. THATS WHY THERE WAS MISTLETOE! "Can I kiss you?"

Jang-Mi nodded and instantly Kyung's lips were on hers. They are actually soft. He kissed her gently and held her face, Jang-Mi deepened the kiss a smile on her face. He is a pretty good kisser. The two broke apart with small smiles on their faces, he held her hand and led them out the trail.


"I-Uhm- I'm gonna go to sleep goodnight!" Jang-Mi rushed towards the hotel.

Immediately heading towards the elevator, she pushed the button and the doors opened revealing a distraught Lee Dohwa. She pulled him into the elevator and punched him.

"You left me in the woods! I could've died!" Dohwa was hunched over holding his stomach.

"You punch like a man! And it wasn't my choice it was a stage" he said breathlessly. He took note of the girls red cheeks and smudged lip gloss and smirked. "And it seems like stage you benefited from it"

"Shut up before I knock you out" she blushed even more.

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