Chapter 3

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I hear the sound of my phone going off, it's Kian. I stretch my arms before answering the phone. "Hey there" I say in a tired voice. "Oh my gosh did I wake you up?" He asks while giggling. "Yeah, but it's fine, I needed to get my booty out of bed and be productive" I say. I hear a gulp at the other end of the line "Yeah speaking of being productive, Um would you wanna um.. Meet me at Starbucks in an hour?" He says. "I'd love to!" I say enthusiastically.

Crap, what am I going to wear? I have so many thoughts running through my head right now, and so many butterflies in my stomach.

I throw on a black tank top with a cardigan, and a pair of black leggings, and cheetah print combat boots.

I'm finally finished getting dressed, now I have to do my hair and makeup.

|45 minutes later|
I practically run out my door because I don't want to be late. And as soon as I got in my car I realize I forgot my keys. Shit. I run back inside and they are on the top of my dresser.

I'm glad that the Starbucks isn't that far away, because If it was then I would be late for sure. I'm finally here.

I slowly walk out of my car, and look through the window to see if I see Kian. I do, he notices me and he gives me a big smile. He gets out of his seat and meets me outside. "Hey gorgeous" he says and gives me a smirk. "Well hey there" I say. He hugs me, I hug back. "Well what are we waiting for, let's go get our Starbucks" he says while smiling. His smile makes my heart melt.

We walk up to the counter and order our drinks. Kian got a double chocolate chip frappe, and I got a cotton candy frappe. "Your total is $10.42" says the cashier. I start to get the wallet out of my purse, but Kian stops me. "Kian, at least let me pay for mine" I say. "Nope we're on a date, I'm paying rather you like it or not." He chuckles. Did he just say date?

They give him the receipt, and hand us our drinks. "Meanie" I say sticking my tongue out. We sit down on the seat he was sitting in before I came. I take a sip of my frappe, and he's gazing into my eyes and smiling at me. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I say in a pleasant tone. He just shakes his head with a smile. "So what are you doing tonight Isabel?" He asks. "Well I was thinking about having a movie night" I say in response. "Oh" he sighs. "You realize I'm having a movie night with myself, you're invited If you want" I say. He bites his lips before speaking "I'd like that" he says. "Oh so about what you said up there, this is a date?" I ask while giggling nervously. "I suppose it is" He grins.

We are finished with our frappes, and we're on our way to my house to watch movies. Who knows what This night will consist of, just thinking of it makes my heart skip a beat.

Everlasting loveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon