A Sinster Plan

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I truly feel terrible about not posting sense forever, but this is one of my New Year resolutions lol!!!! I'm really working on posting as much as I can. I'm also really grateful for everyone that has read, commented, and voted!!! I greatly appreciate it, without you guys this story would be a nothing and complete crap lol. You guys have given me motivation to continue this story, so without more of my rambling here is the next chapter!!!!


Xanthos P.O.V

I could barely breathe as I saw her angelic face; I started to run to her trying to capture her. I took up the hill that she was overlooking from. The closer I got to her, the more beautiful she became to me.

"Athena, My Athena"! I panted.

Where in the world did MY come in? I shouldn't be disrespecting her like this. This would be the time to plead for my sister's case!

"Goddess Athena, I beg you to please rid my sister of this arranged marriage! She's just a little girl and frightened! Please spare her!" I was on my knees now searching her eyes for any sign that might result in my favor.

"Xanthos." She whispered. I felt a calm breeze blow through my hair and a sense of peace befell me. "It will all work out in the end, there's no need to worry for her. Trust me, it will be ok." she explained. I nodded and got up from kneeling. She looked at me with longing in her eyes, "Come here." she whispered. I slowly walked to her, entranced by her voice. As I got closer to her she suddenly grabbed me, giving me a hug. This shocked me; the goddess herself was hugging me! This shouldn't be allowed, but in a way it felt so right.

I wrapped my arms around her hugging her even more close to me. Her cool breath fanned against my neck as I rested my chin on top of her head. I felt tingles and warmth flow throughout my whole body. She started to move away from me, but I didn't want to let her go. "Xanthos", she said. "Yes my beautiful Athena", I breathed out. She giggled making it sound like thousands of bells were ringing in the air. "My real name is Dawn", she exclaimed. Dawn it fits her perfectly. "Well you are beautiful Dawn, absolutely beautiful", I breathed out. She began smiling and blushing from my comment, I rubbed her cheeks moving closer to her. Suddenly, winds began picking up their speed. I held her closer to me assessing any dangers.

"Xanthos I have to leave", Dawn said. I looked down her feeling emptiness as she said those words. I forced the sentence out of my mouth as I let her go, "okay, when will I see you again Dawn, I asked. She gave a halfhearted smile, "soon...... very soon", she breathed out. She stepped back putting space between us. Then something unexpected happened, she ran to me and quickly kissed my lips! Her lips felt so velvety and soft, I was too shocked to grab her back to me and finish what she started. As she began to fade I greedily memorized her head to toe before she disappeared from my sight. Dawn, I whispered.

The winds softly hit my face as if she herself caressed me. I breathed out as I turned around back to the battle field, but when instead of seeing them down below they all were right behind me, along with my father and anyone else who was in the battle field. Fuck Fuck Fuck!!!!!! How much did they see they better know that just because I kneeled to her doesn't mean I'll take any shit from them!!? All of them had shocked faces, some even were jealous.

"What"!? I yelled. They all flinched as I took a couple threating steps. There was a long pause until they all feel on their knees. "ALL HAIL XANTHOS. ALL HAIL XANTHOS. ALL HAIL XANTHOS"!!!!!! They yelled.

What. The. Hell!?


Abas busted through the tall steel doors into the King's throne room.

"Your excellency! Your excellency!" Abas exclaimed.

The throne room was silenced as the frantic Abas ran to the King Aegon, Queen Alexandra, and Prince Alexander. Along with the rest of the royal court that was throwing a royal gala.

This better be good Abas or you will die right now!!!!! , the King yelled. The King was red with rage for Abas disturbing his party in complete disarray in front of his family and friends. The guards grabbed Abas awaiting the King's orders.

"Oh but it is your highness it's about Goddess Athena!" Abas panted out.

At hearing this, King Aegon and Prince Alexander perked up. "Did she come have you sent soldiers to go get her? The King asked.

Abas shifted uncomfortably and gulped. "Nnn..no your highness, she showed up on the battle field where Xanthos and the General Andrew are located. At this news everyone present gasped. Murmuring began to ascend in the throne room.

What in the world is she doing there?

Oh my goodness, why did she show up there?

I wonder what she looks like, I'm sure she's gorgeous.

"Silence"! The King yelled. The crowd instantly became silent. Anyone could hear a pen drop.

Prince Alexander stepped forward towards Abas. "Spit out the rest of your discoveries servant, now"! The Prince fumed.

Abad jumped, "she was talking with the warrior Xanthos and she........... she ...she...... she kissed him. After saying this everyone gasped and it got even louder than the last time. As the commotion was getting out of hand Abas saw the King and Prince shaking with rage. Abas was petrified no telling what these two men would do in their temper tantrums. Many voices were being heard as people young and old were talking with each other.

How romantic!

Is this a sign?

Does this mean there's hope for the rest of us mortal men?

Now I'm really curios of how beautiful she is.

This means were favored by the Gods.

Why did she kiss warrior Xanthos is that even allowed?

Damn I wish that was me!

The King called Abas over closer to them not caring to control the excited crowd. As Abas went towards the royal family he began to quiver in his shoes as he saw the King and Prince's faces. They were masked with complete hatred. Whatever they have in store for Xanthos was not good, not good at all.

"Abas there's something I need for you to do". King Aegon said calmly. Abas gulped.

"What is your plan father"? The Prince asked.

The King gave a sinister smile. "I'm going to invite Xanthos and General Andrews to the palace for the grand party where the Goddess with arrive". The King finished his plan to them causing the Prince to smile.

Prince Alexander chuckled, "too bad I won't be able to drive my sword through his chest, but I can't complain about this".

Yes Abas thought...... not good ...not good at all.

Thank you for reading!! Don't forget to comment and vote!



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