Chapter 4: Friends into Lovers

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Octavia's POV

Gustave and I had been acquainted when we were mere children at primary school. Although it was a brief moment in the extensive span of our childhood, I remember the games that we played, with my twin brother trailing behind us. When he moved away, I was certain I would never see him again. That was until I came to be enrolled at the École Normale Supèrieure when the two of us reunited during our orientation. A day that I would never forget.

*Three Years Ago*

My mother, Charlie, and I stepped inside the room as Uncle Daroga, Ozzie, Tony, and my father unloaded my luggage, taking in the sights that surrounded me. When we first arrived, we had stopped in front of the stone terrace of the university, the great marble building shining like a diamond in the sunlight. Second, only to the Opera Garnier where I had called home, I had never seen such a beautiful building before and this is to be where I dwell until the end of the semester. There was a little pool in the middle of the spacious roundabout that was surrounded by finely trimmed hedges. When I looked down to peer at my reflection, I was pleasantly surprised that the miniature pond was filled with colorful fish, their scales glittering like jewels.

Now, I was in my spacious dormitory as Mommy and my sister got to work on decorating my half of the room with pictures of my family and old posters from the Opera House and making my bed while Daddy, the boys, and Uncle Daroga reassembled my bookcases and stocked my shelves with my books, music scores, and the blueprints to some of my small inventions. My roommate had yet to arrive, so when they were done, we sat down and had one more talk before they left.

"Now ma Cherie, are you sure you have everything you need? Papers, pencils, extra books?  We can go back home or go to the market to get more stuff for you if you want?" Daddy fussed as he scanned the room. 

"Yes, Daddy. I got everything I need, don't you worry." 

"Okay, if you're sure," Mommy replied, "Just remember that the Opera House is only an hour away. If you need us to get you something or if you just want to come home for the weekend, all you have to do is send for us and we will be there to take you." 

I nodded, the sound of my colleagues entering the building in droves, my roommate surely amongst them. My eyes suddenly got misty as I suddenly couldn't see even with my glasses on. Tears flowed from all of our eyes as my parents, my uncle, and my siblings gathered together for one more group hug with my parents giving me some final goodbye kisses. With everything in order, my family left my room and I watched from my window as they drove the carriage from the front of the school and onto the street.  With them out of sight, I made my way out of my room to explore the campus. I scaled down the halls of my dormitory, taking in the rustic déco of the halls, giddy with excitement. 

I had always dreamed of going here for science and architecture, but women were normally barred from enrolling here. They said it was because women didn't have the constitution to keep up with our male colleagues, that we would be much better suited to go to school for what they consider more "feminine" virtues like the performing arts or to just get married and have children. But after pulling a few strings, Daddy had made it possible for me and other women to join the university. My thoughts were interrupted when I suddenly bumped head-first into a wall, falling with a thud, my glasses flying off my face and landing next to me. 

"Oh, goodness, my apologies! Here, let me help you up, Madame." A bright, familiar voice spoke. 

The wall that I bumped into held out his hand for me to grab and helped me up, bending down to get my glasses. Despite my poor vision, I noticed him pause for a moment before handing me my glasses as he spoke. 

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