Meeting tsukishima

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*Back story*
In fourth grade your mom got a job offer from a big company based in Japan and of course your mom took it because it had good pay and they also offered to pay for the school you will be attending. You were really happy because you got bullied a lot at the school you were currently at even though you were nice, polite and patient person to everyone you met but they still hated you for no reason. Your dad didn't mind moving to Japan because he also go a job offer from the same company so it was decided your family was going moving to Japan!

~ a month later~

You and family were in Japan! You fell in love with Japan the moment you got there. You saw all the beautiful cherry blossom trees when you went to the park and always brought some little cherry blossoms home.
~time skip to Monday~
+Y/N's pov+
It was Monday, I was going to school in Japan for the first time! I was really nervous but also very excited! "I can't wait to make new friends mommy!" I said "be nice to everyone and try to remember what I taught you to say in Japanese" mommy said "I will try my best!" I said loudly

{ your mom drives you to school}

%Teachers pov%
"Today we have a new student all the way from America!" I said to the class

+Y/N's pov+
"Hello! My name is L/N Y/N I hope I can be friends with you all! And let's have a great year together!" I said announced *Y/N head* there's a blonde boy in the back he's seems nice I hope I can sit with him

"Y/N is there anywhere you would like to sit?" The teacher asked me
"Ummm can I sit over there" I said while pointing next to the blonde boy
"Yes you may, his name is tsukishima kei" the teacher told me
"thank you" I said while giving a little bow
*i walked over to tsukishima*
"Hi!" I said while smiling
"Hi" tsukishima said while also giving a smile

*time skip to lunch time*
I pull out my bento box that had three little onigiris on one side and in the other two were little weenie octopus and some grapes. I noticed there was a little box with a note on it that said "good luck on the first day here's a little treat love mom <3" "ooo I wonder what mommy gave me" I said. I opened the box and it was a strawberry short cake my favorite! I said in my head. I took it out and asked tsukishima if he would like some. " ooo thank you that's very kind of you strawberry short cake is my favorite!" He said while taking a bite. "No way it's mine too!" I said while also taking a bite.

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