Chapter 21 - Getting Caught Up - Late November

Start from the beginning


Sydney: dear boy, that's my job.

Chris: [hugs his uncle] I'll promise not to get involved with any more sketchy people.

Sydney: [chuckles] my boy, never make promises you cannot ensure happens ... or does ... not.

Clay: [walks into the study] ... hey baby, I'm going to the range with Carl.

Sydney: [eyes lit up] ... RANGE? What kind of range?

Clay: indoor shooting range. I need to keep my skills up.

Sydney: [extremely excited] would you mind if I tag along?

Clay: [shrugs his shoulders] sure why not. Are you familiar with guns?

Sydney: [scoffs] young man, I've handled more firearms than you have months on this Earth.

Clay: [slightly impressed] ... oh okay, then maybe you can get Chris to come with us.

Chris: no thank you. [walks away]

Sydney: What are you bringing?

Clay: only my SIG Sauer P226

Sydney: [nodding his approval] an excellent choice.

Clay: yeah, my brother keeps all of the rifles.

Sydney: I prefer these. [takes out his phone and shows Clay an old photo of him and some foreign countries combat fatigues]

Clay: I didn't know you were in the military.

Sydney: I served with the Korps Commandotroepen ... that's Commando Corps of the Royal Netherlands Army for just under ten years before returning home after Chris' father died.

Clay: oh wow. Any cool stories?

Sydney: not any that I can tell you truthfully about.

Clay: oh, like special forces type stuff.

Sydney: yes dear boy. [smiles proudly]




Sydney: I need to speak to you about your activities. I know that you're divorced, but the young man you saw this weekend works for men as well. He knows your brother. I just hope you haven't put yourself in a position that came be used against either one of you.

Addison: really? Are you coming to me with this because you're worried about me and my reputation? Or is this about the "golden boy?"

Sydney: I'm concern for you both. [rubbing Addison on the side of her shoulder]

... Christopher doesn't know about you and this young man, and I intend to keep it that way. I told him to avoid any further contact with that man. But you know your brother is young and most likely will do the opposite of what I asked him to. [sighs]

... you are the eldest and the wisest. You know what this family has been through. More so than your sister and brother. So for the sake of your old uncle and your lovely family, please avoid this young man also.

Addison: [sighs] I know, I shouldn't be running to him every time, I go to Columbia or praying that he's in Atlanta. But, I know you know how it is.

Sydney: yes, I do, but once money is involved and the things you're doing are done in secret. That's a prime opportunity for exploitation. Just be more careful from now one.

Addison: how do you know all of this?

Sydney: I was going to clean up Chris' mess when I saw you leaving the hotel.

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