Chapter 8 - This Thing Called Love - June

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Clay feels a hand on his shoulder, gently shaking him when he opens his eyes he sees Giovonni sitting on the edge of the bed holding a cup of orange juice.


Giovonni: wake up baby whisperer.

Clay: [chuckles as he stretches] ... I'm just good at everything, what can I say.

Giovonni: [smirking at Clay and asks] everything?

Clay: [smirking back at Giovonni] ev-ura-thang! [Giovonni starts sipping on the orange juice]

... Oh I thought that was for me?

Giovonni: nah, you gonna earn breakfast in bed. [winks at Clay]

Clay: you be doing the most, my nigga! [reaching down to adjust his morning wood, while still under the sheet]

Giovonni: I think you won the "doing the most" contest a few nights ago.

Clay: [laughs] you still bringing that shit up, you musta like it. You can be honest. [smirking]

Giovonni: [laughs] you owe me one, I'll collect later ... but come listen to this. And put a fucking shirt one, I know you "swole" and all, but cover up them man titties, your nipples hard as fuck. [reaching out to pinch Clay's nipples]

Clay: [laughs and shakes his head as he playfully swats Giovonni's hand away] you stupid! ... hey, Gabby still sleeping?

Giovonni: nah, the two nannies here. So hurry up, plus the housekeeper need to clean up and I don't need her seeing you laid up in my and starting no rumors saying I sleep with some nigga and crippled him. [laughs]

Clay: [laughs] cause once you go black ...

Giovonni & Clay: YOU GONNA NEED A WHEELCHAIR! [laughing together]

Giovonni: there's some clean joggers and a white tee right there. [pointing to the sitting chairs at the end of the bed]

... maybe if you had clothes over here, like I got at your house, I wouldn't be over there all the time. [walks towards the doors leading to the patio and unlocks them]

... can you go out through here and come to the front door?

Clay: damn, you got me doing the walk of shame and I even get none last night.

Giovonni: you must wanna be handicap, for real.


Clay and Giovonni laugh together again. As Clay begins to get dressed, Giovonni goes back to the family room. Clay waits for five minutes to pass before he did what Giovonni had requested. When Giovonni pretended to see Clay for the first time today as they "greeted" each other at the front door. Giovonni introduced Clay to the two nannies he was interviewing with Gabriel. Mrs. Maria and Domineke.


Domineke: [smiling as he scans Clay] umm, I'm wondering if you remember what the doctor or the pharmacist said about this medication? [holding up the bottle of antibiotics]

Giovonni: yeah, I lost the box somewhere in this house. The housekeeper is looking through the trash for it.

Clay: yeah, she said give it to her every twelve hours.

Mrs. Maria: okay, thank you.

Giovonni: see, the baby whisperer. This guy got her to calm down like this. [snapping his fingers]

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