Chapter 3 - Revelations - May

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Clays phone rings, when he looks and sees that it's Giovonni calling him, he chuckles and smiles.


Clay: sup?

Giovonni: I need you to come over.

Clay: huh?

Giovonni: I need your help!

Clay: iight, but I ain't lifting nothing heavy though. [chuckles]

Giovonni: nothing like that.

Clay: iight be there in a few. [ending his call with Giovonni, looks over at Chris and jokingly says]

... hey, your work husband is asking me to come help him with something.

Chris: [giving Clay the side-eye] just remember that I'm your official unofficial husband. You and he are only "boyfriends."

Clay: no need to worry, he don't got enough ass for me. [as he was walking towards the door, he turns towards Chris and jokingly says]

... but that diiiiick!!! [shaking his head to show the shock of his statement]

... that's a complete different story!

Chris: ... wait, what? [throws one of the decorative pillows at Clay, as he shuts the down behind him while laughing at Chris' reaction]

... I'LL HOP OUT OF THIS BED AND BEAT YOUR ASS! [yelling from inside the room]


As Clay walked across the street, he was planning on cracking jokes and making fun of Giovonni. However, when he makes it across the street to Giovonni's house, Clay is met at the door by a toe-tapping Giovonni, standing at his door. The look of stress and anger on Giovonni's face is clearly visible.


Clay: [seeing the body language and vibes Giovonni is giving] Hey, what's wrong.

Giovonni: come sit down. [trying to lead Clay into the living room by holding onto his forearm]

Clay: [resists being led into the living room] nah, just say!

Giovonni: [sighs while shaking his head] what happened to Chris is all my fault.


Unsure on how he should respond to what Giovonni just said, Clay thoughts begin to spiral out of control. He looked at Giovonni's defeated demeanor and thought that he was just blaming himself for Chris getting attacked.


Clay: What you talking bout man?

Giovonni: it's my fault. I shoulda stopped him a long time ago. But I was scared of what people might say.

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