Chapter 8 : Naruto Namikaze : The Second Yellow Flash

Start from the beginning

"Yeah" says Naruto.

The Anbu just barely place in the spots in time and Naruto makes one-hundred Shadow Clones and he teleports them onto the battle field as they start pummelling the enemy by teleporting in ways the enemy couldn't counter, all saying in unison "I am Naruto Namikaze, If you want to harm the Hidden Leaf Village, you'll have to go through me!"

"Who is this guy?" asks a Sound Shinobi i fear.

"He's like the Yellow Flash all over again" says a Sand Shinobi.

"No, he's worse" says another Sound Shinobi.

"Retreat!" shouts Kabuto as he and Orochimaru's forces retreat.

The Next Day
Hiruzen's funeral goes like in Canon and after it Naruto walks t his apartment when Jiraya jumps down from a building and asks "Naruto, you want come with me to find the Fifth Hokage?"

"Yeah, let's go, I need to take my mind off some things" says Naruto.

"Alright, lets get moving" says Jiraya.

"Hold on a second" says Naruto teleporting to Satsuki.

"What is it Naruto?" asks Satsuki in her bed trying to ignore the sun that was in the sky.

"I'm going on a mission with Jiraya Sensei, I'll be gone for a little while but I'll be back in maybe one or two weeks" says Naruto.

"Alright, stay safe" says Satsuki getting up and kissing him on the cheek.

"I will" says Naruto before teleporting to his apartment, grabbing everything he'd need and teleporting back to Jiraya and saying "I'm ready".

"Let's get moving then" says Jiraya as they head out of through the Konoha Gates.

Itachi Appears

Naruto hears a knock on the door and opens it and sees Itachi who says "Kyubi, you'e coming with us".

"No, I'm afraid not" says Naruto.

"Who the hell does this kid think he is?" asks Kisame.

"Naruto Namikaze : The Second Yellow Flash Of Konoha" says Naruto making some hand signs, saying "Harbinger Jutsu" and throwing a Kunai into the hallway and teleporting there.

"Wait so the Fourth Hokage had a brat?" asks Kisame.

"And it appears that brat is the Kyubi" says Itachi.

"Who do you think you are, hunting me when you don't even seem to understand the implications of you choosing to fight here?" asks Naruto.

"You may be a Jonin but we're Two S-Class Rouge Ninja from Akatsuki so don't think you have any kind of Advantage" says Kisame.

"No you're mistaken, It wouldn't matter if I was a Chunin or Genin, in an enclosed space, I rule" says Naruto throwing multiple Kunai into the hallway to which Itachi catches one and uses it to knock away the others while Kisame blocks them with his sword.

"Is that it?" asks Kisame mockingly.

Itachi sees the Kunai and says "Wait this is ..." when Naruto appears and kicks Itachi through the wall.

"What the hell just ..." starts Kisame before suddenly feeling a intense pain in his gut, looking down to see Naruto's fist and flying across the hall and hitting the wall causing it to crack on impact knocking him out cold.

"Don't you dare ... underestimate me!" says Naruto.

"Impressive" says Itachi re-entering the hallway from the room he had been hit into and activating his Sharingan.

"You haven't seen anything yet" says Naruto as he begins to teleport seemingly randomly as he throws attacks at Itachi who blocks and dodges all his attacks when Naruto notices Kisame stirring and throws a punch at Itachi who dodges, only for the punch to become a grab at his hand , touching Itachi for lees than a second, none the less Naruto teleports them to Yugamu where he says "Divide and Conquer" and teleports back to face Kisame in the hallway and says "Now it's just me and you fish face".

"Fish Face?!?! Oh I'm gonna enjoy tearing you to shreds" says Kisame swinging his Sword at Naruto, only for him to teleport constantly, making impossible to hit him.

"The truth is, my advantage is even greater now, since I have less opponents and more room to move" says Naruto as he kicks Kisame in the head causing him to stumble back.

"I'll kill you!" shouts Kisame as he makes some hand signs and shouts "Water Shock-wave Jutsu!" and a huge wave of water rushes at Naruto who teleports to The Yugamu and grabs Itachi, teleports in front of the Water Shock-wave Jutsu and teleports behind Kisame kicking him in the back as both of them fly across the hallway and smash into the wall causing it to crumble away as the two S-Class Rouge Ninja lay limp on the rubble.

"Now I guess your time is ..." starts when he sees Satsuki has come up the stairs.

"I've done what you said, I've hated you and now I'm going to kill you" says Satsuki.

"What are  ....?" start Naruto when a Kunai goes through his leg and he's kicked by Kisame into Satsuki.

"Naruto are you okay?" asks Satsuki panicking.

"I'm fine" says Naruto.

Itachi then makes some hands signs and shouts "Fire Style : Great Fireball Jutsu" as a huge fireball roars towards Naruto and Satsuki while Itachi thinks 'I'm sorry Satsuki, I know you love him, he dies protecting you, you will awaken the Mangekyou, kill me and be safe, so please Naruto, if you love my sister back, just die'.

Naruto jumps in front of Satsuki, makes some hand signs and shouts "Harbinger Jutsu : Suction" as the fireball is absorbed into his Kunai and then he throws the Kunai up, he makes more hand signs and catches the Kunai's handle between his pointing and middle fingers and shouts "Harbinger Jutsu : Jutsu Reflection Technique" as a huge fireball is blasted back at Itachi faster and bigger than before.

Itachi looks at the fireball, morphs an eye into the Mangekyou and shouts "Amaterasu" as black flames consume the fire as he and Kisame jump out and start running away.

Naruto collapses onto the ground and says "You shouldn't have come, I was fine".

"Naruto, I ... thought I could help ..." starts Satsuki while thinking 'I didn't do a single thing, I useless, no, I was worse than useless, I got in Naruto's way, if I hadn't he wouldn't be as tired or have that injury and Itachi would've been dead, damn it!'

"I was so afraid I was going to lose you" says Naruto hugging Satsuki tightly.

"You're not mad?" asks Satsuki.

"Mad? I'm too relieved that you're okay to be mad" says Naruto hugging her even more tightly and shedding a tear.

"I'm alright" says Satsuki grabbing Naruto's shoulders and asking "See?"

"Thank Kami" says Naruto wiping away his tears.

Jiraya arrives and asks "What in the name of Kami happened here?"

"Itachi Uchiha" says Naruto.

"You kicked his butt huh, being in a enclosed space and having that Jutsu of yours?" asks Jiraya.

"Until I got in the way" says Satsuki.

"It's not your fault, you were worried about me, personally, I'm flattered" says Naruto grinning his classic grin.

"Where you close to beating him?" asks Satsuki.

"No, I could tell by the fact that he didn't use ... what was it called ... Amaterasu? He didn't use it on me so it was obvious he was holding back, probably to not kill me, but I doubt he'd hesitate if his life were on the line" says Naruto.

"So neither of us are strong enough yet?" asks Satsuki.

"No, weren't not" says Naruto.

To Be Continued

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