Chapter 2 : The Bells Test

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Mindscape characters

Hn (Translations)

Time and/or Place and/or Battle

"'Flashbacks / Genjutsu'"


Academy - Five Months Later
Naruto enters the classroom and sees Sakura and Ino who squeal "Naruto-Kun!" jumping on him and he thinks 'I mean I like that I'm getting so much attention but do they really have to squeal?'

"Hey guys could you let go of my neck?" asks Naruto as he struggles to breathe.

"Gomen" they both say before Sakura shouts "How dare you choke Naruto-Kun, it's all your fault, now he hates both of us!"

"You did it too forehead" shouts Ino.

"No I didn't, it's all your fault!" shouts Sakura.

"Girls please, I don't hate you" says Naruto trying to calm them down thinking 'I never liked Ino and now I'm starting to wonder why I liked Sakura in the first place, she's annoying'.

Naruto sits next to Satsuki as a form of refuge and Sakura to his annoyance sits next to him and then Iruka enters the room and shouts "Everyone calm down the Genin Exams are about to begin!"

"Dobe, why're you sitting here?" asks Satsuki annoyed.

"Prissy Emo, don't call Naruto-Kun that!" shouts Sakura.

"Quiet down!" shouts Iruka and everyone complies and then he says "First up, Naruto Uzumaki!" and Naruto steps forward and Iruka says "Alright Naruto, please preform the Clone Jutsu".

Naruto makes a hand sign and shouts "Shadow Clone Jutsu" and Iruka looks at the event shocked.

Iruka pokes two different Cone and asks "How can you make Shadow Clones? They're an B-Rank Jutsu that only Jonin should be able to preform?"

"Lord Hokage let me learn it" says Naruto grinning while Satsuki grits her teeth thinking 'Why can't I learn it? Why's the Dobe getting special treatment? How did he even learn that Jutsu? He's just a Dobe!'

"Amazing, that's Naruto-Kun for you!" shouts Ino while Kiba thinks 'Damn that Naruto, always making the rest of us boys look bad'.

"Alright now please preform the Transformation Jutsu" says Iruka.

Naruto complies saying "Transformation Jutsu" and turning into a Carbon Copy or the Fourth Hokage making the girls think 'They look so similar! Both look so handsome!'

"Well done Naruto" says Iruka sending Naruto back to his seat and then he calls "Satsuki Uchiha please do the same".

After Everyone Completes The Exams
Iruka calls out the teams "Team 7 will consist of Naruto Uzumaki ..." and to this all the girls pray silently 'Kami please let me be on Naruto-Kun's Team' and Iruka continues "... Satsuki Uchiha ..." and the girls think 'Jackpot she doesn't even like Naruto-Kun, so if I get picked we're guaranteed to get together!' and then Iruka finishes "... and Sakura Haruno" to which the girls stare daggers at her and Sakura thinks 'Yes! Naruto-Kun is mine! Take that Ino-Pig!' and Naruto thinks 'I hope she doesn't fan girl over me the entire time'.

Two Hours Later
"Yo" says Kakashi as he enters the classroom.

"You're late!" shouts Naruto and Sakura while Satsuki just grunts in an annoyed tone that Kakashi was pretty sure meant 'You show up late again and I'll kill you!' and Kakashi thinks 'Great I have an Emo, a fan girl and a huh he doesn't look so bad but he's still as loud as his mother'.

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