Chapter 1: The Nine Tails Attack And The Early Years

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Mindscape characters

Hn (Translations)

Time and/or Place and/or Battle

"'Flashbacks / Genjutsu'"

With Mikoto
Mikoto had just given birth and the doctor says "Congratulations it's a girl" to Fugaku's dismay, he had obviously wanted a boy.

"You can name her" says Fugaku.

"Satsuki Uchiha" says Mikoto and then she leaves the room cradling Satsuki to see Itachi.

"Mother, is it a boy or a girl?" asks Itachi.

"Say hello to your little sister Satsuki Uchiha" says Mikoto handing her slowly to her son.

"I bet father wasn't happy about it" says Itachi rocking Satsuki in his arms.

"Your father was fine with it" lies Mikoto.

"Alright but I need to go" says Itachi handing Satsuki gently back to his mother.

"Stay safe" shouts Mikoto as Itachi dashes away into the distance.

Kushina then runs up to Mikoto and asks "Aww it's so cute, is it a girl?"

"Kushina Uzumaki say hello to Satsuki Uchiha" says Mikoto.

"Hello there cutie" says Kushina trying to tickle Satsuki to no avail as the child keeps a stubborn and locked face.

"I didn't mean literally" says Mikoto 😅ing. Kushina and Minato still die..

With Satsuki
Satsuki ran up to her older brother saying "Nii-San, teach me a Jutsu!"

Itachi then motioned for he to move closer and Satsuki complied rushing towards him but Itachi poked her on the head with his pointing and middle finger and says "Sorry Satsuki maybe next time".

Satsuki pouted and ran to her father and asked "Tou-San, would you teach me a Jutsu please?"

Fugaku hesitated but Mikoto encouraged him saying "Fugaku-Kun, you need to spend time with your daughter".

"Alright" says Fugaku motioning for Satsuki to follow him to the training ground where he slowly makes some hand signs and shouts "Fire Style : Fireball Jutsu" sending a fireball so hot it boiled the water beneath.

Satsuki made the same hand signs shouting "Fire Style : Fireball Jutsu" and puffed out a small puff of smoke.

"As expected" says Fugaku and he returns inside.

"How'd it go?" asks Mikoto.

"She failed" says Fugaku bluntly.

"You need to stop comparing her with Itachi, Itachi is a one in a million prodigy, it's not fair for you to compare those two to each other!" shouts Mikoto berating her husband for his obvious favouritism.

"She's a woman, she already has a disadvantage so if she can't be on the same level as Itachi was then she'll never be anywhere near as good as he is" says Fugaku bluntly not knowing that Satsuki was right outside listening to the whole conversation thinking 'Being a girl is a disadvantage? Then I'll just prove you wrong! Just you wait Tou-San, I swear I'll make you proud of me!'

A Couple Of Months Later
Satsuki returned and says to her father "I got the top grades!"

Fugaku was shocked and said "Well done" genuinely proud of her and patting her on the head.

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