Chapter 3 : The Land Of Waves

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Mindscape or Seal characters or speech

Hn (Translations)

Time and/or Place and/or Battle

"'Flashbacks / Genjutsu'"


At Hokage Tower
"Naruto I can't just give you a C-Rank, you're fresh Genin" says Hiruzen.

"But Ji-San, we're ready for this!" complains Naruto.

"Fine, send in the client" says Hiruzen.

Tazuna enters the room and says "I asked for Genin, not some kids and a girl".

Satsuki disappears and reappears behind Tazuna and says "Say that again and I'll slit your throat".

Tazuna gulps and Naruto says "Satsuki! He's the client so you can't just attack him".

"Hn(Whatever)" says Satsuki in an uninterested tone.

"So what's the mission?" asks Kakashi.

"And who the hell do you think you are?" asks Naruto.

"My name's Tazuna, I'm a bridge builder and  I'm in need of some escorts to the Land Of Waves" says Tazuna.

"We'll go tomorrow" says Kakashi and he disappears in a puff of smoke.

"That felt so abrupt" says Sakura sighing.

"I have a feeling that's just the way our Sensei is going to be" says Naruto.

"Hn(Whatever)" says Satsuki.

"Argh, what does that even mean!?!?" shouts Naruto.

"Like I'd tell you Dobe" says Satsuki.

"You are so annoying sometimes" says Naruto.

"Hn(Whatever)" says Satsuki and she leaves in a puff of smoke.

"Like Sensei, like student" says Sakura.

"Seems like it" says Naruto and he disappears in a puff of smoke.

"Not you too Naruto-Kun" says Sakura crestfallen.

The Next Day
Naruto arrives at the Gates of Konoha and they start moving and Naruto sees a puddle of water and thinks 'Nice try' and throws a bunch of shuriken at it and the Demon Brothers come out and curse "Damn it!" and then they wrap their chains around Kakashi and pull shredding him and one of the brothers says "One little piggy".

Naruto and Satsuki jump into action while Sakura jumps back to defend Tazuna and Naruto ducks a punch and sweeps his opponents leg and grabs it and hurls it at the other Demon Brother, hitting him who was doing battle with Satsuki and she then kicks them in the ribs knocking the wind from out of them and then kicks them both into a tree knocking them out unconscious and then says "I had it under control, why'd you interfere Dobe?" as she looks at him in a deadly/beautiful kind of way.

"I ... I'm s sorry, I just thought it's better to do it than be sorry later" says Naruto stuttering and kind of staring at her while thinking 'Wow she's really pretty'.

"Wha what are you looking at?" asks Satsuki looking towards the road to hide her blush from Naruto thinking 'Was he checking me out?'

"Sorry" says Naruto diverting his gaze.

"Naruto-Kun, your side!" says Sakura pointing at the gash.

"Those two are the Demon Brothers, and they use poison" says Kakashi.

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