the elfs(draft)

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*i am going to delete this later*

Asta pov
Some how i was covered in a bright golden light. And my elf mark showed.
At first i was fighting some guy that felt like i was going to meet him in the future but not this future. And the light was around him to
"So i was right"
"What is happening?! What is this?"
"The era of the humans has com to an end. What you said earlier.' A free kingdom, where everyone can acknowledge each other and smile.. That's the kind of kingdom i want to make' was ture, but you might not remember. But I'll kill you two to get it over with" he using two different spells at the same time?
"Mana zone: calidos brachium barrage!" She hit all of the light sword! But what do i do? Act like hime or not?!
"You see now you fool you are no mach for us. But i wonder why asta is not attacking us"
"I'm not going to let you hit me a again!" He was attacking but he was not hit me
"Oh, hey, it's raia. Heya, how've you been? And who are you?"
"Hey, lira. I see you're as crazy as ever."
"And i see that your face is as droll as ever, raia."
"Shut it."
"Raia, raia, raia!"
"Hey! What are you doing?!"
"Oh, right. Gust who are you? I never seen you before."
"I'm asta and no one else!" He made is art fire at us
"Asta i don't know if your still in there, but he's bring controlled by the enemy's magic. Go smack him with your anti-magic!"
"G-got it!"
"Sorry,but your maguc won't be able to reach us anymore!"'why is she helping them'
"Oh, i don't know about that. It's not like i was just watching two monsters duke it out this whole time. Ash trap spell: total activation!"
"Ah, so you secretly planted some trap magic. But par on this level does next to nothing to us."
"Whoa, i can't see! But our mana detection is on point, so we're fine!"
"To bad, because what's heading your way is a monster that can hide her magic." I cut through the spell easily
"Why is she help the humans?"
"Wake up, rill!" I hit him but a thing graded him did the spell get off of him
"Jeez, that hurt. Why'd you do that?"
He still not normal? I mean i still have the light around me but I'm not acting different
"Tch. Guess anti-magic didn't work, either."
"This isn't a simple little spell. It's a renunciation spell that bring the souls of elves to dwell in human bodies"
An elf soul? Another soul? But there is not another soul in my body
"A reincarnation spell?"
"The spell that summons the souls is complete. These bodies belong to us now."
"That is not right! There is no another's soul-" then three more came down
"Them, too?"
"Hey, we're retreating."
"What are you talking about?! We can't just leave everyone!"
"You idiot. There is no way we can save them right now, and we still don't know id you're pretending to be asta."
"I guess you're right, you ugly mask jerk!"
"Are you are still asta, but we both know that you can't kill them. Ther're your comrades."
' Neither can you.'
"Anyway, do you really think you can get away from us?"
"Okay, kiddos." She grabbed us with her claw and throws us!
"You head home first, you fools"
"Captain mereo-" the stone covered the way in
"There's no way even captain mereoleona can fight all of them alone! We have to help her!"
"You idiot. We're getting out of here."
"Huh?! What are you talking about, you jerk?!"
"It's not like we have a strategy, so we'll just get killed if we go back. Plus you might be as powerful like them but with that sword in hand, you have no magic. And i don't want a royal saving me. And we don't want you to be like them. Don't you dare go back." We used zora's magic to get inside gust in time!
"You fools.."
"You really are idiots. You just wasted all the time this lady bought you"
Compound magic:elemental quintet!"
"You can all die together!" We can't die!

"Who gave her premission to sacrifice herself like that!? I want all of us to stay alive!"
"Give it a rest. Even if you have strong magic and anti-magic, you can't win."
"Yeah, but with this elf from i can stan ageist them!"
"Well, that is not thing to brag about! What are you gonna do?"
"What am i gonna do? I know! Your magic! You can double the magic and bounce it back!"
"All five of them will launch spella at the same time. That's when we'll bounce their spells back!"
"All five attack at once? Like anything like that will ever happened, you moron."
*end of flashback*

"He's ignoring the force of those spells?"
"He shot at her?!" I used my sword to hit it back... I saw that his spell was braking and went to fire at them
"Heads... Up!" I hope i got them! We went through one of the holes zora made.
"Okay let's get out of here! We made it out! See? I told you we could save her if we worked together!'
"We are just lucky, that it happened."
"Hang on, now..." Why is he after me is it because I'm one of them?!
"I'm not letting you get away. I'm gonna. Have you come see licht. You are going to return one of those girmoires to licht."
"Zora! Take care of her!"
" why you!"
"I'll come back! Promise! So head back first"
"You can't be serious! You said you want us all alive!"
"Stop squirming! Ugh, you're such a pain!"
"Is that you asta?"
"It is you asta.."
"Are you ok? Who did this?" I need to get her down! But there are others!
"I'll let you down!"
"Why are you going to free that human?" Them to?! But there different yuno is not.
"Not you too"
"The other are like this? But why are you not like that?"
"Yes they are, but i don't know how I'm still me"
'Stop it! I don't want to fight!" I need to wake them up!... No they'll have a chance to kill me
"No! Don't!" Ehh i was able to get out the was with my magic and cut it in half
"Stop it all of you!"
"Hmph, our hatred for humans, is far stronger than your little bond!" I cut he's attack in half, buy he got me on the sides but im not weak!
"Come on, now. It look like you can't take much longer. Of course, we need that girmoire and swords you have right now. But is looks like you're not going to give up. Then.. If you want the protect that royal and die, go right a head."
' I can't die here, i promise I'll come back alive and protect everyone. I never break promises!" I got out my other girmoire ready to black it but some one already did that.
"What are you talking about,asta?"
"I know your were in there Yuno."
"And i see your still asta"
"Yuno, our ears match!"
"Bell, could you quiet down a bit?"
"Sorry, but now is not the time, bell!"
"So you've awakened. More importantly, look at m-. You're one of us. now, come here."
"Hey.. Could you not butt in?" Bell said making wind
"Hey, we need a way to save them"
"Thanks asta."
"Yuno?" Oh he as one too. But i don't have one
"I'm a magic knight of the clover kingdom, yuno. No one else."
"We're going to kill those two behind you, and then have you leave that body!"
*sorry just going to skip*

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