meeting the black bulls

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Asta pov
'Hey my name is asta and I'll be your new member" i said in a whisper because there was two guys fighting each other "uhh.."
"Haha, but so was good i gust had to eat it!"
"Yeah? But that was mine and on one can eat my food and get away with it!" The guy with a mohawk
"Yeah, but i got you mad and this is fun!"
"Ehh.. Hi my name is asta?"i said in a whisper but a little louder
"Shut up" the captain said but the did not hear him, and he got mad.
"I said shut up!" He broke the wall
"Captain yami!!" All of them said
"Can we fight?"
"How about we leve this place and go have some 'fun'?"
"You need to try this! Its soo good"
"What is up captain?"
"I can't wait any longer, let me go see my dear sister!"
"Shup up and be leasing!"
They all said sorry and sat down in front of him.
"We have new members,
Shut up and introduced yourselves
"I'll introduce everyone for you."
"Oh thanks"
"This is charmmy, she love to eat food."
"That is right!" She said eat cake
"This luck he loves to fight"
"Hmm hum"
"That is magna he normal more or less, the quiet one is Gordon, the one that loves his sister to much is gauche, the big one is gray, and the drunk one Vanessa"
"Ah, uh my name is asta and I'm from hage!"
"Hage? Man that is all the way out there." I heard someone say. As soon as i introduced myself i got asked a lot of questions like
"Can we fight?!"
"Aren't you a cute thing?"
"Why do you look like a elf?"
"You want some it good!"
"You see this? It my sister she cute right?" And i barely heard someone something *he said " hello, i hope we can become best friends"* i said yes to the cake
"This is so good!"
"I know right?"
"Hey you want the robe right?"
"Well you have to past a test to get it!"
"But i already did the magic Knight test!"
"Yeah,but this i my test to see if you are a black bull!"
"Ok, I'll take it!"
"Then lets go outside"
We all went outside me and magna got ready to do the test
"Ok, i want you to do a one thousand push up!" I did those like it was nothing
"Ok, i want you to break that boulder."I broke it with my sword
"Now for the last text i want you to block or try to miss it" he made a bat and ball out of fire. He hit the ball and it came at me. I cut it with the sword
" nice one but can you block this one?" He made a bigger one and throw it at me, i use the flat side of my sword and it went back to him!
"Haha, i did not think it would come back at me You pass!"
"Wow, kid nice job"
"Lets fight next!"
' That was good"
"Uh, thanks haha"
"Come here kid let me help you fit the robe"
"Ok" she help me with the robe and made a rabbis to help me keep my out the way, and made a little shorter so i wont be stepping on it
"Thanks Vanessa"
"No problem" with that done i went to my room
"Wow this needs cleaning"
I cleaned it and wrote a litter to the church, then went to bed

Thanks you for supporting me!
I do work on this every day so the next chapter will come out soon

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