"I understand you're concerned of how people will perceive me, however, you must remember that you had, in fact, hired high profile security to make sure no information leaves the palace. If any news spreads of how I look when I am not in public that speaks more on your security. I trust the king can protect my privacy just as he protects his kingdom." I reply with a calm voice and a tight smile before looking away from my father's flabbergasted face to have another spoonful of my soup. I could feel the tension in the room, my parents tried to maintain a silent conversation, signaling with their eyes, until my mother cleared her voice to grab my attention.

"My dear, we have some news for you" my mother spoke up. To my mother's statement, I put down my spoon and turn my attention towards them, waiting for them to enlighten me.

"It is no news that the true blood kingdom is not in very good shape at the moment" she started off, her usual way to ease me into the topic. I pick my spoon and take a sip as I try to remember who exactly they were.

"Aah yes, the breed who only drinks pure blood," I receive a nod from my father, "a day doesn't go by when I don't feel bad for Mr. and Mrs. Russington, with their first born now gone and their inexperienced son taking place of a slowly fleeting land, I could even say I somewhat respect them for tolerating everything,"

"well, I had some tea with Mrs.Russington a week ago and so we had made the decision to have you marry off to their next in line for king" my mother states, my spoon stops mid-way to my mouth, I place my spoon back down and turn to look at my parents to make sure this is not a witty joke or prank

"Sweetie, Mrs.Russington just seemed so helpless and unsure, I truly felt awful not doing anything to help her, so your father and I offered to have you marry their son and join our forces" my mother explained with her most convincing voice, though sadness was tangled in every inch of her voice, yet, she didn't seem visibly upset for not asking my consent, she didn't hesitate to sell me. I spent a few quiet seconds considering my mother's decision before speaking once again

"This is quite a mutually beneficial plan for the both of us. They have a stable hand to build their kingdom back up as our own. We will give them aid for their sick and unwell, and we will have extra land, empathy point and a perfectly trained army, it sounds absolutely perfect. However, I do have a request." I say, making sure I frame my words properly. My parents' looks taken aback before quietly being encouraged to continue.

"After I am married, I request your thrown" state looking right into my father's eyes.

"Why would you suggest that Marrie" my father responds immediately, visibly offended by my request. My mother seated with a mouth slightly open and eyes widen.

"if you insist here is one reason off the top of my head, I am of age for a king and so is my fiancé, if I were to marry that would mean that I am ready to rule and was just waiting to become be wedded to move onto the final step, the same happened to you father as well as grandfather. It won't be a surprise when our people will expect me to take the throne. Otherwise people will see the married as a business transaction rather than a perfect couple that rules this lovely nation" I argue, as I spoke I saw my father not taking my words into consideration and waiting to shut me down.

"I refuse to give you the throne Marrie" he finally says after I had finished my sentence.

"Well then, I refuse to marry anyone," I smile back at my father as I take a sip at my forgotten soup.

"Who gave you the right to refuse young lady" my mother speaks up, I laugh at their growing anger and give then my best cocky smile

"Mother, you do realize you never asked for my consent, I could just send Mrs.Russington an email stating that I am taken. Oh how the news of the queen selling her daughter would haunt you for the rest of your life." I stated calmly, closing my eyes to take in the iron tang that lingered on my tongue, I honestly was not opposed to marrying anyone for the sake of my kingdom, but watching my parents fumble for words always amused me. The dining room stays silent after that, all three of us finishing our meals without another speaking on the matter, until the dining room opened up reveal a little girl at the door, her puffy dress stained with dirt.

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