Chapter 2

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Clay woke up to the sun beaming on his face, he didn't want to get up, but he couldn't remember the last time he had actually had a peaceful sleep hell he doesn't even remember the last time he slept. The dirty blonde groans and arches his back to hear a cracking sound. "Damn," he whispered to himself, "when was the last time I actually got some sleep?" He turned around to see the young girl still resting. Clay wondered what he would do now that he had to not only take care of himself but a child too. The blonde sighed and started packing his stuff up to be ready on the move, he heard shuffling behind him and then a small, "Good morning, " as Hope stretched and stood up wobbling a little bit as she stood up too quickly. As the chestnut-haired girl made her over to Clay's side she asked, "What are you doing?" The blonde didn't respond at first for he was too focused. The girl tapped his shoulder for him to realize she asked him a question. "Hm? Oh, sorry I was trying to get everything packed up so we can move on for today." The girl made an 'O' with her mouth and nodded showing that she understood. "Do you need any help?" she inquired trying to keep conversation. "Not really I don't have that much stuff left you can sit and save your energy we're going to walk for a while today."

Hope seemed to be doing better than Clay they have been walking for who knows how long and Clay was starting to dwindle. He felt weak, light-headed, and that he could pass out at any time. He was pale, dehydrated, and his stomach felt like it was eating itself the pain was so bad he thought he could double over and cry right then and there, but he didn't want to worry Hope so he kept trudging forward. What he didn't know is that Hope was already worried about him seeing him in the state he was heck she didn't even know his name, but he was nice enough to save her so she believes she can trust him. Hope tried to stay quiet knowing that she most likely wouldn't get an answer or he would just explain he was tired or some other excuse. "Hey, do you want to sit down for a while? You don't look very well," the girl finally got out. "N-No I'm fine besides we don't n-need to stop we'll lose d-daylight which is even worse," the dirty blonde managed to cough out. His throat was horse and raw struggling to say anything. Hope was shocked they have been walking for about 2 to 3 hours and everything about him has changed. His demeanor, attitude, he barely walked in a straight line. Hope looked at him and took everything in, his green hoodie too big on him, a black turtle neck underneath the neck looked big enough to where he could put it over his mouth, his jeans were black, baggy, and ripped. They were all stained whether it be from blood or from dirt Hope couldn't notice but look at how all of his clothes were too big on him. She wondered the last time he ate since he gave her food and he didn't take any.

"Hey, you good? I've been trying to talk to you this entire time and you've just been staring at me." The blonde said waving a hand in front of the girl's face. The girl tensed jumped out of being shocked, she took a few breaths and relaxed "Y-Yeah I'm fine I've just been spacing out recently." The man looked at her unconvinced but shrugged letting it go. "Okay whatever you say I just wanted to let you know you need to be more careful around here I've seen a lot of zombies throughout here." Hope looked at the man "Wait you call them zombies?"

"Well duh what else would I call them?"
"I don't know my parents always use to call them puppets. They thought that the government was controlling them or something like that I don't really know."

The older man just stared at the girl not knowing how to respond to that, of course, he didn't believe it but what was he supposed to say. "Anyway, " the boy started changing the subject, "we need to be quiet walking through here trying to sneak as much as you can." Hope nodded and got down following the blonde. Clay would always go first and check if it's safe for Hope and then helped her if she needed any. He gave her the crowbar again so if Clay wasn't there to help her she would be able to protect herself. It was all going well until they heard a groaning sound. "What the crap was that?!" Hope whispered with panic in her voice. "Shh it's a zombie. Sounds like there's more than one of them too," The older boy whispered.

"Well what do we do then?"
"We need to be very careful. I know I said that before we were here but this time you have to be very observant so you don't make any noise. I don't know about you but I don't want to be eaten alive today."
"The feeling is mutual."
Hope followed everything that Clay did and listened to everything that he did she started getting used to all the bending and twisting and being light on her feet, so she got more carefree and cocky. She thought she didn't need to be super observant knowing that everything she has done so far was a piece of cake until everything stopped for a moment she didn't realize what was happening at first it was like slow motion in a movie. She was falling before she could do anything she face-planted right into the ground making a loud echo through the empty halls of the building. She heard the groaning turn into screams, ear-piercing scream that she will never be able to forget.

"God Dammit," Clay hissed as he helped Hope get up, "get your crowbar ready and be prepared to fight!" The blonde took out his knife and went for the first zombie he saw stabbing it multiple times in the head until it stopped moving blood and brains falling out of its head the sight made Hope want to puke. She swung the crowbar into the face of a zombie that ran towards her surprised at her own strength. She turned around and saw the older boy had been tackled onto the ground. Hope panicked not knowing what to do until she heard gunshots and before she knew it all the zombies that were once surrounding her and the boy were now on the ground unmoving. She looked around and saw a group of three guys. Clay got in front of Hope trying to protect her in case they were dangerous.

"Who are you?" the dirty blonde asked.
"Our names do not matter." The boy in the middle said. He had an accent, brown hair, a blue sweater, and jeans. He had glasses covering his eyes and he was pale. Hope was surprised for being the shortest boy he was the most intimidating one.
"Well I believe they are since you saved our asses but okay."
Hope could see the tallest boy of the group mouth language and fidget she raised an eyebrow at him and went back to listening to the conversation.
"We would like something in return since we did waste our ammo on you."
"If you're looking for food I have none I basically have nothing."
The shortest boy looked at the people behind him and nodded. "I don't think you understand but you'll find out."
Those were the last words Hope and Clay heard before he feeling a hit on their head and then seeing nothing but darkness.

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