The oath + rules

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1. No boys allowed (duh)

2. If you are a boy DO NOT pretend to be a girl to join, I'll probably check your account

3. Please give this account a permanent follow, (if I had already verified you as a hunter before I added this as a requirement, you get a free pass. Just this once.)

4. No hateful or rude comments towards me or any other hunter on this book, if I come to know of this I WILL delete your comment, mute you, and take you of the book as a hunter.

5. Add this book to your library and/or reading list for updates. I will try to update frequently.

Have you followed these rules? Great! Now you may say the oath.

Now repeat after me (just comment it)

"I, (your first name or a nickname/pen name) pledge myself to the Goddess Artemis. I turn my back on the company of men, accept eternal maidenhood, and join the Hunt."

Comment pledge here and I'll add you to the list once I check if you have followed the rules.

Comment pledge here and I'll add you to the list once I check if you have followed the rules

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