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"minnie... i fucked up so bad." shuhua sniffled, tears flowing effortlessly out of her eyes while feeling the pain she endured from the previous conversation. minnie patted on the bed. "sit."

shuhua curled up on the bed and hung her head, watching her own tears stain the thai's duvet. "i don't know where to even begin..." shuhua whimpered.

"shuhua, who hurt you? did soojin do something? i swear to god i will-"

"soojin did nothing. it's me." shuhua replied, pondering the fact minnie had immediately assumed it was soojin who had affected the younger so much. maybe she knew something shuhua herself didn't.

"she confessed to me. she told me that she likes me... i panicked."

shuhua's awful with commitment or confrontation, she's rather the type to do something without say or filter and receive the consequences with no intention of moving along or absorbing times where it gets rough. when it comes to being soojin's 'cuddle buddy', it's no different.

"...she can't know."

"shuhua-ya, is it that she can't know, or is it that you won't tell her?"

a headache overcame shuhua. minnie rubbed circles into the taiwanese's back, enough to make the static electricity's voltage heighten with each concentric motion. she frowned, knowing that the younger has had the worst commitment issues in the past and that in order for her to overcome this hurdle, she had to face her ungodly fear of opening up to soojin.


both soojin and shuhua didn't get much sleep that night, both too caught up in their own mistakes. soojin, especially, had a rough night.

minnie let shuhua stay in her bed for the night, worried about what would've been happening if she hadn't.

surprisingly, minnie slept through shuhua's mumbled rants and muffled sobs.

when the morning arrived, minnie woke up to a passed out shuhua. the younger's once pale cheeks stained to a rosy color by her tears, as well as a deep red tint surrounding her eyes.

minnie quietly crept out of the bed, trying to be as respectful as possible and not waking the emotionally drained girl up. minnie knew how hard it was to get shuhua up anyways and patted herself on the back for the achievement. minnie quietly closed the door and walked to the shared kitchen.

soojin was there, emotionlessly pouring herself coffee. she looked like a zombie, worse than shuhua. minnie was tempted to greet the girl and ask questions, but she didn't. soojin hadn't even noticed minnie when she walked in, and minnie kept it that way. she grabbed a glass of milk and two slices of toast. one for herself and one for the girl passed out asleep in her bedroom.

with one slice of toast tightly gripped by her teeth and the other in her hand, minnie walked back to the bedroom to leave shuhua the piece of toast for when she woke up. she hoped it would be soon, or shuhua would be enjoying a cold piece of stale bread.

minnie scoffed and hoped for the best, walking out of the bedroom and to the living room.

yuqi and soyeon were there, doing god knows what. by the time minnie stepped foot into the room, the two sheepish girls acted as if nothing had happened and were enjoying a innocent breakfast together. minnie, of course, hid the fact that she could see how swollen their lips were and how red their cheeks grew. typical shit in the gidle dorms. minnie rolled her eyes.

"move over yuqi." minnie pushed the younger playfully, sitting herself between the two and smirking to herself. she turned on a drama and did her best to ignore yuqi's eyes drilling a hole into her head. soyeon laughed at the entirety of the situation.

miyeon slept in until later, as she was the heaviest sleeper of the group and rarely woke up when the rest did.


with a cup of coffee in hand, soojin moped back to her room. she ignored the girls, considering she had no energy left in her whatsoever to communicate with any of them.

beyond being confused and angry, she felt numb. her mind and body hurt like hell. she wanted to sleep but her mind was a disorderly worked up mess. she wishes that she could've gone back in time and had a painless night next to shuhua, careless and sweet. but soojin knew she couldn't handle the built up tension, she had to erupt at one point or another.

all good things must come to an end, soojin believed.

soojin watched, in a trance, as the coffee's steam rose and billowed from its mug. her subconscious dug herself into a hole.

maybe shuhua wouldn't ever look at her again. maybe shuhua lost her clinginess. maybe shuhua won't ever smile around her again. maybe shuhua won't ever touch her again. or maybe, it's the other way around.

soojin's could barely shed a tear out, as she had been drained and devoid of life it seems from doing this for the past fucking week. being in love is one of the most shittiest feelings on the planet. especially when you're lied to.

her last manageable tear fell into her coffee mug. she watched it dissolve.

a few silent minutes passed in soojin's bedroom, until her train of thought snapped by the knock at her bedroom door.

she knew exactly who it was and did not open the door.

the knocks get louder, but not aggressive. just... louder. soojin's head is pounding.

fuck it.

soojin opened the door, what other choice did she have at this point. before soojin got to say a word, shuhua looked at the taller girl dead in the eye and took a deep breath.

"i deserve your annoyance and anger and confusion and sadness... i take credit for everything i'm putting you through. i'm sorry for saying what i said last night, it wasn't near the truth at all. i know a simple 'sorry' is not enough, so i have to get this out now, or never. i've always been an affectionate person and labelling the entirety of our physical relationship as 'fanservice' is blatantly wrong and very far from the truth. the truth is... seo soojin, i like you too. i kiss you and im protective of you and i call you honey and an assortment of other petnames because i have a stupid, huge, disgusting crush on you. i always have. i panic easily and have awful communication and commitment skills, but minnie helped me translate this into a cohesive thought. once again... i deserve your annoy-"

before she could finish her apology, soojin cupped shuhua's face and eagerly crashed her lips against hers. shuhua was obviously very taken aback, but happily kissed her back nonetheless.

for the first time this week, soojin genuinely smiled.

and it was against shuhua's lips.

a/n this is so shitty im sorry xdsdsrgh

dont forget to vote for gidle on starplay and mubeat so dumdi dumdi can get its first win !!

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