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How come its here???
Azure Dragon pearl!!!!!
The Azure dragon pearl from his previous world!!!Tangsan was sure of this!!
How many times had he seen it in the Tang sect Elder's hands?
It marked the highest authority in the Tang sect, only held by the Sect head Tang Da. Though it was handed down generation to generation..there was not one who could completely wield this pearl.Even Tang Da, the eldest brought it out only during the most critical times and used it at the expense of his spirit force.

And its greatest effect was Healing. Yes, Healing.It was not a material for hidden weapons, but it saved lives of numerous Tang sect disciples and common people in wars.No one really knew where it came from, they only knew that it was precious.

Seeing the Azure pearl in this world, Tang san's heart skipped a beat, his breaths came heavy, his face showing unknown emotions.Tang hao and his wife naturally understood it was something precious
by glancing at it but they couldn't help being astounded by Tangsan's actions.
"Little san, Do you know about this pearl,?" A'yin asked perplexed.
Tangsan finally controlled his emotions and smiled at his parents,"Mom, dad where did you get this?"
"It was your father's idea.Do you like it?", A'Yin smiled.
Tang Hao suddenly felt immensely happy.His gift brought such a reaction on his always poker faced son.
He cleared his throat loudly saying" Ahem..its nothing much.I brought it from the Five elements continent" skipping lot of critical points.
But Tangsan naturally understood. This pearl wouldn't be so easily available.He could understand how his father risked his life. Because the five elements continent ,unlike the Doulou continent, was one of the most ancient and divine land. To return from Five elements continent itself is a miracle.
The three of them chatted for a while and then A' Yin who couldn't wait to see her Daughter-in-law, left first. As soon as the door closed, Tang Hao suddenly realised he was alone with his son after a long time and didn't know what to say. He just stared out of the window.
Suddenly , there was a thud sound that drew Tang Hao's attention.He whisked his head just in time to see Tangsan kneeling infront of him.

" I'm sorry father, I was wrong" Tangsan sincerely bowed to his father. Tang Hao quickly lifted his son up and said "Alas! I'm not blaming you, my son.If i were in your place, I would have done the same." His expression turning serious, he sternly said, "But in the future, before you act impulsively, remember there is a family waiting for you. If you really were not to return one day, there will be no reason for me to not to follow you ".

Watching the curves of Tang san's eyes turning red, he spoke with sincerity ,"Little san,in the past I've always let you down. After your mom's sacrifice, and Clear sky sect banishing me,I ended up losing my will to live, my heart was already broken, but there was still you.You were innocent. I know that I've never really taken care of you, on the other hand you were the one who took care of me. But you living made my broken heart survive with a tiny bit of willpower. I had to live for you.And the day you decided to become a spirit master, i was really worried. I was afraid you would become the same as me. I couldn't stay with you. I couldn't influence you.So, I left. But I was always watching you.Your first spirit ring, Your tiny hands working hard at smithies, your unyielding determination,you joining Shrek Academy and surviving through countless battles, ..I was always watching you grow up . You've suffered a lot.And now, you are all grown up and made me so proud, that I can finally say, I've always loved you my son, and I'll always love you".

Tangsan suddenly realised that he was not abandoned by his father, on the contrary he was the cause for his father to live.He was always envious of all the children taken care by their parents and felt sad that he couldn't recieve that sort of love.But now, he realised, his place in his father's heart was more than he could imagine. His heart felt warm. He suddenly lunged at his father , hugging him hard, silently sobbing.
"You've suffered a lot too, Father".

AND THEY LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTERWhere stories live. Discover now