{6} Chaotic Adventures

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All of them looked at Suzume in shock, well, all except the twins who obviously had knowledge of their relation. Eyes were bulging, mouths were hanging wide open, basically the entire gym went into shock mode. But there was another who seemed barely affected by the new information, he had light grey hair with black tips.

Said guy was the first to break the silence, "So, are they yer siblings, or are ya just cousins?"

Suzume faced the direction the voice came from, "We're siblings by blood."

The other members of the club started chatting with Suzume, asking questions along the way. Meanwhile, Coach Kurosu had his hand covering his mouth. He pondered carefully before finally making his decision.

"Miya," he called out.

Three heads turned. And those heads belonged to Suzume, Atsumu, and Osamu. They looked at the coach for a split second before opening their mouths to speak. "Which one?" the three asked in unison.

"Suzume," was Coach Kurosu's reply.

Suzume lightly jogged towards the man.

"From the reports you've written, I can conclude that yer knowledgeable at volleyball." he paused for a second. "Do ya know first aid?"

Suzume nodded.

"That's great. We'll have you appointed as our manager starting tomorrow, how 'bout ya observe practice today?"

"Ah thanks for accepting me," Suzume politely replied.

The boys were fired up. Not only were they finally able to have a manager, it was a pretty one in fact. People were cheering, the twins were jumping up and down like children, a second year by the name of Ginjima Hitoshi looked like he was suffering, Suna was recording the entire scene, and the diligent third years were face-palming. Their joy was cut short as a raging aura was suddenly emitted, they turned around to see their coach glaring daggers at the students. This quickly shut them up, and they became organised and obedient once again.

Suzume sweatdropped at what she had witnessed. Unlike their serious demeanour on court, they were behaving like pirates. She was certain that if they had the necessary items, they would be having an outright celebration with confetti and cake.

"Since we're done with the warm ups, we'll move on to the actual practice. Get into yer teams and prepare to play a full set. Get movin'!" Coach Kurosu told the boys.

They responded with a mixture of "Yes" and "Yeah" before doing as instructed.

Suzume took a seat and she began to watch the match. Although they did their best to hide it, the players were taken aback by the piercing gaze Suzume placed on them. Her stare was hard cold, and it sent shivers down their spine. Even the twins were surprised at how her presence could so easily change the usual relaxed atmosphere.

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