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•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•"Your Majesty"

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"Your Majesty"

"Your Majesty"

"Your Majesty"
Some of the maids little bit shaked with
Victoria's shoulder to wake her up.
"Your Ma-"

Victoria sat up on the bed, rubbed her eyes,
and looked at the maid standing in front of
her with soft smile.
"What is it...uhm"
Victoria couldn't find the name of the maid.
Maid softly said.
"Oh yes Brinna, sounds like Drina"
Victoria laughed and rolled her eyes of her
stupid nickname what she used to had.

She doesn't need it anymore

becasue now she will be
•Queen Victoria•

"Your majesty, it's your big today, you have to
get ready"
Maid softly said sending Victoria smile.
Victoria smiled at her, she was one of her favoutite maids, Victoria could tell...
because she wasn't acting like her mother but like her maid, kind of friend.
"Wait in longue, I'll be there in minute"
Victoria sent to maid one smile and maid just nodded and with that left.
Victoria rubbed her eyes and looked down at dash.
"Today Dash, All the men from government will come to my palace, hope you'll be behaving good"
She laughed and kissed his head.
Dash barked and let his sweaty tongue out.

•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•All men gathered in a big ballroom, where was Victoria's throne

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All men gathered in a big ballroom, where was Victoria's throne.
"Welcome my dear men"
Victoria tried to say it loudly because she had a soft voice.
All men looked at her that this has to be joke, that little girl can not be a queen.
"I am here today to wel-
Victoria was trying to welcome them but someone interrupted her.
"Can not hear you, speak louder"
Duke said as everyone looked at him.

Yeah Duke.
The mean old men who was 100% right that he should be a king of the England and not Victoria, for him a little girl.

Victoria hesitated for second but someone changed her mind.
"You can do it your majesty"
Lord Melbourne whispered into her ear.
It was lovely to hear it from him and it definitely helped Victoria.

"I am here today to welcome you my dear men to show you my palace, my new home and new home for NEW QUEEN"
Victoria said proudly and loud enough that Duke could just covered his ears.
Every man came to Victoria and introduced himself and kissed Victoria's hand.

After that Victoria showed them her palace and they gathered for a little bit with sweet cakes and sweet black tea.

"Mhh who baked these cookies Lord Melbourne?"
Victoria asked with full mouth but enough to understand what she said.
"Mr. Francatelli your majesty".

"What a talented baker"
Victoria said to herself with smile.

All men went home even Lord Melbourne.

Victoria is now in her night dress reading book in her bed and Dash laying next to her.
Victoria closed the book and placed it on her night desk.
After that she puffed into her candle to turned it off and turned to pat Dash's head.

"Today went well Dash"

"Very well"






and after that she fell asleep

Sorry for being
inactive but I had
lot of things to do
for school and I've
been realy busy last
3 weeks. Hope you
liked this chapter
and stay safe please
everyone. <3
PS: Finn is going to be
in this story I promise
so please don't leave the
story bcs he's not here yet
he will be<3


𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚| 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐧 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora