🟠 Third Round | Hard 🟠

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Tobe's POV

It was Tobe's turn to choose someone for the game of Truth or dare. But before we started, He was talking to Pucca. Tobe realized she was sad and decided to talk to her, but while talking to her, Tobe saw in the corner of his eye Garu.

He looked at Tobe with such anger and sadness in his eyes. Tobe waited til everyone sat down comfortably to continue the game. Once everyone was seated, Pucca smiled at everyone and gave Tobe the signal to continue the game, tobe nodded then continued.

Tobe: alright, Dada, truth or dare?

Dada: oh! Uh..dare.

Tobe: I dare you to kiss the person you like on the cheek.

Dada: o-okay...

Dada blushed and walked over to Dandy, and kissed him on the cheek lightly. Dandy smiled in reply and rubbed the cheek Dada kissed him on. Dada blushed a bright red and scooted back to his seat. Everyone awed at this moment.

Pucca: awww that was cuteee!!

Dada: mm..*blushes and hides his face* a-alright, Ayo, t-truth or dare?

Ayo, smiling: hmm..dare!

Dada: I dare you to kiss your crush on the cheek.

Ayo, smile fades: I..I don't think she'd like that very much.

Ching: "she"?

Ayo, chuckles: Pucca, put a tally for me.

Pucca: alright!

Ayo, clears throat: alright, Casano, truth or dare?

Casano: Truth!

Ayo: is it true you've dated multiple women?

Casano, chuckles nervously and sweats: uh..y-yea..I have...

Ayo, monotoned: wow, what a great man you are. So loyal.

Casano: that was in the past, darling! Ching! Truth or dare?

Ching: hmm, truth!

Casano: is it true you don't take a shower?

Ching: uhm..s-sometimes I forget..to..uhm, P-pucca! Truth or dare?

Pucca: hmmm, Dare!!

Ching: alright, I dare you to...

Ching's POV

Ching looked at Pucca, examining her face and features. Trying to figure out the perfect dare. She remembers how she talked to both Tobe and Garu, after she talked to Ching and Abyo. Ching rubbed her chin and thought carefully, and thought of the correct way to do this.

Ching: I dare you to kiss the hottest person in this room, in your opinion!

Pucca: boy or girl?

Ching: any gender, really.

Pucca, sighs deeply: alright. I'll go for boy then.

Truth Or Dare | Pucca Edition Where stories live. Discover now