24. shopping 🛍️

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Hi guys 😘

After they left Rey called Vicky  and told him to come to his house. after sometime  Vicky came to his house.

"what's up man " Vicky said to Rey. Rey smiled at him

"I want some help Vicky. you can only do that for me." Rey said with a nervous smile.

" what is that"  Vicky asked with a doubtful face.

and Rey explained everything in details. Vicky listened every thing carefully because its so important  for  Rey. so Vicky don't want miss anything . 

" so that's all I want . is it clear? Vicky I don't want any mistake" Rey said with a serious expression.  whatever Rey said its really important for Rey. so he is really serious about it. he really don't want any mistake in this.

" yeah Rey . everything will be done". Vicky asked to Rey.

then only Rey felt satisfied. he really want to do this as soon as possible. 

" okay ......do it as soon as possible Vicky. you know that its very important for me and I only trust you in this. please make it fast. now I have to go. take care bye."  Rey said with a smile. then he looked at his watch   and realised. he is getting late for shopping.  

" okay Rey " Vicky said with a teasing smile.

Rey left for his house. he went for shopping. 

on the other hand

Taani, Ayan and TM went inside a big shopping mall. 

A BIG MALL.  In there everything is expensive. Even the sales girls are wearing a very neat and dignified dress. its just looking like a paradise . everything is beautiful. just beautiful      

when Taani , Ayan and TM just entrance main door. Ayan is just shocked looking at mall. He never went to that type of malls in his entire life. He is just mesmerized by the luxurious mall. He even never thought in his dreams this type of mall even exists. its just a treat to watch. so  He is just looking with a open mouth.

Even Taani is shocked . Before her marriage she went some mall but not as big as this . This mall is totally different from Taani went in her college. Because after her marriage She never went any shopping mall. In fact she never purchased anything for her. When She had enough money brought some new clothes for Ayan and her husband. For her., She goes any cheap shop and purchased some cheap clothes. she never concerned about her looks. She always thought about her Son. Even She never brought some expensive clothes for Ayan because She can't effort it.

TM also seeing everything with a open mouth. Because TM also never went this type of shopping malls. if she need anything  Rey arrange everything with in mins. so she never went any big shopping malls. She always prefer simply things. So there is no need to go anywhere. 

" This is so beautiful mom " Ayan said with a happy face.

" Yes Ayan" Taani said looking at Ayan with a smile

TM, Taani and Ayan  went a some random counter. Standing in front of that counter 

" Excuse me " TM called one of the sales girl who is stood there.

" yes ma'am how may I help you" she said . after she turned towards them. when she looked at them . Her face is fill with  disgusting expression because of their dresses .

" How this cheap people entered inside the mall.  AWWW look at them. so disgusting " she murmured under her breath.

Yes ...... Ayan is wearing a  two years back birth day dress. may be that dress is not new for that sales girl but its a new dress  for Ayan . 

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