20. Divorce 😟

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Hi guys😘

( This is for you @KjM168. Now onwards I will try to give frequent update. Thank you so much for your support)

Next day taani's divorce day.

Taani is getting ready for the biggest day of her life. She know tommorow onwards her life will change. She have to face so many people her life tommorow onwards. After today nothing will same in her life. But she have to take this step. Not only because of her life Ayan her son. The really reason of her exist. What can she give him other than this. A PEACEFUL LIFE. After all he seen his father beating his mother. Now she want to end that chapter in his life. She doesn't want her son like her husband. For that only option is to have divorce. She know after this her family never want to see her face. Hahaaa what a joke now also they don't see her. The only family she have her son she will do anything to keep his son happiness.

Thinking all this she get ready comes to dinner table.

Rey also get ready for this day. To give his support to her. To stand for her. To save her for this cruel word. Whatever her decision he will accept.
He just want taani's happiness. If it's acquired he can stand against this world he will. Nothing matters to him. He know her family how cruel they are. That's why he want to be with her court. But she don't want that. Finally the day have came. What happens after. What will taani's decision.

Rey is thinking all this come to dinner table.

Rey smiles at taani. Taani also smiles at him. They both know today is the day. They both are tense. They have to face it.

Then Ayan comes and RM also comes to dinner table

Ayan: good morning Mom and Rey
( With a smiley face)

Taarey: good morning Ayan.

Taani: good morning aunty
( With a smile)

Rey: good morning Mom
( With a smile)

Taani phone starts ringing and she looks at caller ID. And lifts the call

Taani: hello Sharon.

Sharon: hello taani. Are you ready.

Taani: ha I am ready.

Sharon: ok come to court at 10'0 and Don't forgot bring Ayan with you. He is very important here. And must prepare him. I hope he will not effect by all this. Ok taani bye

Taani: ok bye.

Everyone is looking at her.

Taani take deep breath and

Taani: Ayan come here.
( With a smiley face)

Ayan: yes mom

Come and stand in front of her.

Taani takes his hands in her.

Taani: Ayan can you come with mom.

Ayan: where mom. But I have school today.
( With a confuse expression)

Taani: we have to go to court. Where your father and grand father's and grand mother's are waiting to see you. You just go there sit with Grandma and somebody ask you some questions you will answer that questions. That's it's Ayan.

( Holding his hands.)

Ayan: dad .....
( With a scared expression)

Ayan: dad is there no I don't want go there. He will surely beats me. I don't want anybody no.
( With a teary tone)

Runs towards Rey and hugs his legs. And starts crying.

Ayan: Rey Please don't send us there please dad will kill us. Please
( With a crying tone)

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