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"So this is what London looks like." I said with wide eyes as I looked down on the city from the airplane window. It's gorgeous! I can even see the building that I'm going to. I'm supposed to meet up with Harry and the boys today at the X-Factor house when they leave for good, and we're going to go to Nando's, Niall's request. I can't wait to see Harry! I haven't seen him since he went to audition for the X-Factor and made it. It's total best friend deprivation.

*30 Minutes Later*

"Harry!" I screamed as soon as I saw him, making him turn around. Seeing me, he opened his arms to give me a hug, and I just ran to him and practically leaped into his arms.

"Hahaha. How are you?" He asked as he gently brought me out of the hug so we could see each other, and not just the airport over our shoulders.

"Psyched! I'm so excited to meet the guys and... Speaking of, where are they?" I asked. They were nowhere to be seen.

"Niall got hungry, so they went to get lunch." Haha, he did tell me that Niall could eat.

"You know what that means?" I asked, with a tease in my eyes. Harry's always seemed to like me, and whenever I put this particular look on my face he gets all excited. I'm actually wearing that expression now.

"What?" He asked back, sliding his hands from my elbows to my hips. Hehe, you're not getting it this time.

"Let's go get them!" I said, changing my expression and running out of his arms. I had to go back and grab him by the arm because he wasn't coming fast enough, and I started dragging him along with me.

"You don't even know where they went!" He said. Then I looked back at him and said "I know" smiling wide.

😊Harry's POV😊

"You know what that means?" She asked. As a matter of fact, I do. We're alone. So I put my hands on her hips, smiling with delight as she looked up at me with those adorable brown eyes.

"What?" I asked, starting to lean in the slightest bit.

"Let's go find them!" She said, and left my grasp. I was left standing there. I guess she still thinks we're just best friends... So I started to follow her. She came back and started pulling me along with her, and I didn't really think. Until I realized something.

"You don't even know where they went!" I pointed out, wondering what the heck she's doing.

"I know."

"Okay..." Then are we doing something else???

"But I have an idea. You said Niall loves Nando's right? And that we weren't going to eat 'til I got here?"

"Yeah. What about it?"

"You think they might have gone to the one you said was right down the street from the airport to wait for us?"


"I think we should go there, cause I have a really good feeling that they're there."

10 minutes later

"Where in the world could they be?" Harry asked, confused. We, well he, looked in the bathroom and food court at the airport before we left to make sure we weren't leaving them behind, and now we've gotten to Nando's and they're not here either.

"Hey, Niall, where are you and the boys?" Harry asked over the phone. "Then why can't I see you?"

"Because I'm on the other side of the bar." I heard him say from where he was. I looked over there, and spotting him, I tapped Harry's shoulder.


"I see them." I said, smiling. How could we be so blind? And dumb, for that matter. We've been this way since we were little, and I don't think we're going to grow out of it anytime soon...


When we got over there, I said hey to Niall, recognizing him first, since I absolutely loved him on the X-Factor, and he, Harry, and I had video chatted a few times. However, I'd never formally introduced myself to Niall. I also didn't know who the other ones were...

Apparently, the one with darker hair and those thick glasses that everyone's wearing these days spotted me, because I noticed him checking me out. What's his name again? James? Something that rhymes with that I think...

"Vas happenin'? I'm Zayn." He said, once I noticed that he was standing right in front of me. Zayn! That's his name!

I kinda just stood there for a second, and then felt awkward when I finally saw he'd been holding out his hand. I shook it, blushing from embarrassment, and silently cursed myself for being so stupid. "I'm Katie."

"Haha. So now you know Zayn. Care to meet Liam and Louis?" Harry asked me, catching the boys' attention as he said their names, causing them to look up at us, ending their conversation.

"Absolutely!" I replied, following him over to the two other boys now watching me and Harry with humorous expressions on their faces. Something seems to be running through both of their minds...

First, he motioned to the one wearing red skinny jeans and suspenders with a striped shirt. "This is Louis." Just as Zayn had done, Louis offered his hand. Shaking it, I said, "So this is Louis 'the Tommo' Tomlinson! I've heard some of your antics are pretty hilarious!"

"Yes, some of them are. Did you watch any of our video diaries?"

"Only one. It was the one where you pulled out the Superman card. I almost died laughing!" I said. Even just recalling that one made me laugh a little.

"I thought that one might get some laughs." He said with a smile.

"I'm Katie, by the way." I smiled.

The other one is Liam then, I thought to myself. I walked up to him and stretched out my hand, and he shook it, saying something I hadn't expected. "I'm Liam. I have a quick question for you."

"Okay. Hit me with it."

"Have you ever considered dating Harry?" Whoa, what? That's an odd question, but I hadn't really. Is this why he had that weird look on his face earlier?

"Actually no. We've always just been best friends, and kind of like brother and sister."

"I think you guys would be really cute together!" Louis piped in, I guess they were thinking the same thing.

"No! No. Don't make her uncomfortable. And besides, we're not even interested in eachother. Right?" Harry said. That last part he was asking me.

"Uh... Right."

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