Meeting Niall

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Hey guys! Sorry it's been taking me so long to update recently, but I've been super lazy and my extra curriculars are becoming very time consuming. I'm also really close to graduation, so I have to keep my grades up. But keep your eyes peeled because I will most likely update in small spurts fairly often. Luv you guys!


"So where's Niall? Wasn't he the one that wanted to come here so badly?" I asked, confused. He wasn't anywhere to be seen, but then again I've only watched two episodes of X Factor so I barely know what he looks like.

"Have you guys lost him again!?" Harry asked the boys. He then turned to me and whispered in my ear,"He probably went back to get extra food. The kid is always hungry." I giggled, quite loudly actually, catching several individuals' attention. I blushed madly, embarrassed that I had probably been obnoxiously loud. "A bottomless pit to be honest," he added.

"Yeah," Louis started,"he went back to the flat. We told him Katie was coming here with you and I guess he got nervous." Aww, shy guy. Now I have something to tease him about. I'm also planning on teasing him about leprechauns. Trust me, it's fair, 'cause I'm Irish as well. Don't tell him! ;)

"Awwwww!" I gushed. Letting half of my thoughts spill.

"Shall we grab some food and follow him?" Harry asked me.

"I'm not big on fast food, but I'm psyched to meet him!" I said.

"Then let's go!" Zayn said with a smile. The other boys were finished with their food, so we were set to go.

" I guess I'll just order something to go real quick." Harry stated, edging toward the counter.

"Agh fuck the food Harry! We have plenty in the fridge!" Lou exclaimed. I guess he wanted me to meet Niall as much as I did.


Now, it's two days after I arrived in London, and we've all been staying in the boys' flat. I hadn't been given the option to get my own place. Probably because I am expected to bond with the boys. Louis and Zayn share a room, and so do Liam and Niall. Harry has one all to himself, so he invited me to stay in there with him. I decided to just sleep on the couch in the living room. It would be kinda weird sleeping in Harry's bed.

We haven't done much, except for going to photo shoots and looking for cool new clothes for them to wear. The job is so much easier than I thought it would be. I thought I would have to design and make their clothes myself, but really all I have to do is match up jackets with shirts, and later I will submit some of my designs to a seamstress to have them made. The boys have been so much fun to hang around, and of course, Niall always drags us to Nandos for lunch. That hungry boy...

I haven't actually had the chance to meet him properly... We've just been hanging with the guys and he seems to isolate himself a bit in his room. He also looks away from me whenever I glance at him. I usually catch him peeking at me. :P

Yesterday I stumbled upon Harry's Xbox, and he asked me if I wanted to play.

"Haha. I actually don't know how to play at all. I barely know what it is." I replied.

"WHAT!!!! You don't know what an Xbox is!" he laughed, and may I say, very loudly.

"I said barely. Not that I had no idea what it was. I just have no idea how to play." I retorted.

"Well with that attitude I guess you don't want to learn then." he teased.

"Maybe not... um... maybe... I don't know... It looks fun, but I hate those controllers. They're so hard to figure out!"

"Then it's your lucky day." he said, shoving a controller into my hands. "Bet you can't beat me in a game of COD."

"EW! That game is really just meant for guys you know. I don't like it..." I actually kind of hate the game. Both a friend of mine and my younger brother have it, and it just doesn't seem fun at all. Boring actually.

I immediately want to take that back when I see his face.

He was just sitting there, with wide eyes, and he looked like he was about to cry. He just stared at me for a few seconds, and then turned to begin a single player game.

"No! Haz, I didn't mean it like that!" He ignored me.

"Harry!" No response. I walked over and sat down next to him.

I let out a heavy sigh, not really ready to tell him what I wanted to say. But I guess this was an appropriate time.

"Harry, you know I didn't mean to insult you by saying that. I've just had a bad past with warfare and that kind of stuff. I can't really stand to think about it because my uncle was killed in a combat. So I just express as much hatred for it as I can, I guess..." I finished quickly, looking away, the memory of my mom's comedic older brother making me tear up. I miss him so much.

As soon as I mentioned him, Harry turned to me. He actually knew uncle Ryan."What? He's dead?!"

"Yeah." I confirmed, and a tear rolled down my cheek.

"I'm sorry K." Harry said, wrapping me up in a hug. He hasn't called me K in years. Since Uncle Ryan was still with us... When we were little.

With that I started bawling, and we stayed frozen on the couch for I don't know how long. I laid in his arms, and he hugged me close, stroking my hair.


After I started to feel better, I remembered that I still needed to properly introduce myself to Niall. So I made my way toward his room. I knocked on the door, but there was no reply. Opening the door just a crack, I peeked inside to see if anyone was in there.

"What are you doing?" an Irish accent asked from beside me, actually quite close to my left ear, scaring the absolute crap out of me.

I turn my head to see Niall in his underwear and his closet pretty much torn apart.

"I wanted to properly introduce myself.. What happened in here?" I asked, walking toward the shirts, pants, and hangers strewn across the floor.

He immediately started to pick some of his clothes up, so I bent down to help him.

"I was trying to find a decent outfit to wear today, there's a big football match this evening, but I can't find my team's shirt." He admitted.

"What's your favorite team?" I have to admit I'm a bit curious, seeing as back at home I played soccer for my town. I wasn't super good, but it is my favorite sport.

"I support Derby County. I've loved them since I went to a match when I was four years old." He admitted, looking at me briefly.

"That's really cool! I used to play at home. I'm really excited to be working with you guys. I'm Katie, by the way."
I offered him my hand, and he shook it firmly.

"I mean, you know who I am, but I feel like I should make a better impression. I don't want to just be your wardrobe designer. I'd like to be friends with all of you guys." I gushed nervously, then looked down at my lap.

"Haha, it's cool." He chuckled.

"Well, we should probably finish hanging all your clothes back in the closet. I'm sure we'll find your shirt."

"Thank you. I appreciate that." He smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2015 ⏰

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