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chapter five » keg with no tap

"YOU told me that they were good kids, Fred!" Christina's mother yelled out as she stood in front of her daughter in the living room, who held her head down, "If they were so good, why is my daughter coming in here smelling like some skunk and her car is more foggy than our own windows?"

Fred rubbed his forehead, "Look, they are good kids...or at least I thought they were-"

"My daughter is high on drugs, Fred!" Christina hated when her mom got mad because you can really hear her accent begin to come out and when it did, you'd know she's pissed.

Christina sighed, glancing up, "But, mom-"

"No, Christina! I don't want to hear it. We've only been here for a week and you are acting like someone who I taught you not to be! You know this!" Kim ranted, staring sternly at her, "You are not to hang out with them anymore."

"But, mom, it wasn't them." She lied, which caught herself off guard. She never really lied to her mom.

"Then who was it?" Kim asked Christina, her arms crossed over her chest as she waited impatiently on an answer.

"Christina, you don't have to tell us," Fred intervened and Kim shot him a look.

"Yes she does." Kim argued, "This is my daughter, you have no say. You got her in this mess anyways with all this freedom and her car. Now she thinks she is some... some valley girl!" Fred then looked at her, taken aback by her statement before tossing his hands up and walking off. Kim then let out an aggravated huff as she pushed the strands of her hair back, "Christina, just go to your room, alright?"

Christina didn't say another word, only watching her mother follow after Fred before she went up to her room. Christina wanted to tell her mom that she didn't get high or smoke, that she just sat in the car and chilled with Kelso as he did. Yeah, she got contact high, but that didn't make the situation any better. She was just glad she didn't get caught for skipping school.

Christina groaned as she closed her door and spread out on her bed, wishing the day was over. She still had on her school clothes that smelled like weed, so she soon got up and was getting ready to change into some sweats and a tank top until she heard something hit her window. At first she didn't move, but when she saw a small rock hit her window she went towards it to see Hyde on the ground with a fist full of pebbles.

She furrowed her brows and opened her window, "What?" She whispered, but loud enough for him to hear.

"We're throwing a kegger, come join." He simply told her, keeping the same tone she kept as he threw the rocks in the grass. She furrowed her brows, watching him groan, "A party."

"I can't," She sighed at clarification, "I think I'm in big trouble."

"So?" He questioned, pushing up his sunglasses, "That's no excuse to miss out on a kegger, man."

"Steven, I can't."

"Look, Kelso told me what you guys did today and he's a dumbass because you're the one in trouble," Hyde explained, "But if you're in trouble and locked in your room, your mom won't notice you're gone."

Christina rolled her eyes, Americans. She hated how they had terrible convincing skills. She leaned on her windowsill, watching him stick out his bottom lip, "Chrissy, please."

What is with these boys and pouting, she thought to herself before sighing, "Fine, give me a minute." She briefly left her window and grabbed her jacket and shoes before going back and glancing at her door. Her mom would be pissed if she came into the room to see her gone, so Christina rushed to the door and locked it before turning off her light.

She then went back to the window and tossed out her jacket and shoes for Hyde to catch. He couldn't help but laugh as he watched her crawl through the window and down the side of the house cautiously, with the help of a pipe that was against it. When her feet finally touched the grass, she looked up at her window, shocked at herself.

These kids were a bad influence and she knew it.

Hyde snapped her out of her thoughts as he handed her belongings back, "Come on, hurry up." She nodded and forced on her shoes before he took a hold of her hand and ran off, pulling her along. Her heart and legs raced faster than her mind, but she couldn't help the smile that formed on her face. I only live once, she thought to herself as Hyde then led her to the gang as they all stood in a shallow pool, surrounding a keg.

"Christina!" She heard Fez yell as he looked up at her, causing everyone else to look up.

"Kelso got her in trouble," Hyde told them as he hopped into the pool first before helping her get down, "So she's rebelling and snuck out."

"Wow, first Erick, and now Christina?" Donna chuckled, "It's like everyone is turning over a new leaf."

Christina furrowed her brows, "'New leaf'?"

"That's an American term," Fez told her and she hesitantly nodded, knowing their choice of words were always odd. She didn't get why things had strange pronouns and new ways of saying old and regular terms. None of it made sense.

Not even her sneaking out made sense to her. She did it a few times before she moved, but it was only to just sit around her best friend's backyard until sunrise. Though, now she was in a circle of her new friends as they surrounded a keg, that she later learned was just beer.

Christina stood silently, listening as they argued over who got to tap the keg first, acknowledging that she definitely didn't want to be he first one since didn't know much about beer. She would see her uncle drink it and how it made him very agitated and aggressive afterwards as if he had harder liquor, whereas the only thing her mother would ever have is wine. Drinking wasn't unknown to her since she would occasionally drink with her friends back home and do crazy adventures like her American friends are doing, but she felt hesitant suddenly.

Her mind would think back of her mother telling her that this move was a fresh start for them- meaning no trouble, which was quick to happen without effort. She was convinced her mom would send her back to Tokyo if she knew where her daughter was right now.

"Alright," Eric sighed as the argument finished, "How do you get the beer out?"

"Through the tap," Hyde clapped excitedly, but they all began to analyze the keg as they noticed something was missing.

Christina poked her head out slightly to look at Hyde after his answer, "What 'tap'?"

(a/n:: when I tell you how long I've wanted to publish this,
yet exited out of it because I had no inspiration, you wouldn't believe me.

this chapter was LONG overdue and I'm sorry to those that have been waiting, but thank you for your patience- it's greatly appreciated ! Hopefully, I update this soon, but you
guys know to always spam me to do so if I don't ❤️)

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