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chapter four » cutting class is for americans

THE party was absolute garbage. Kelso came in with only a sheet wrapped around him and three beers to share; Donna left her own party to see Eric; Hyde drank the only three beers; and Christina didn't show up. Though no one really noticed her absence besides Kelso and he didn't want to ask his friends about her because he happened to have Jackie clinging to his hip the whole night and he didn't want to argue.

He wondered why she didn't show, but didn't ask her until he saw in school for the first time, "Hey! Christina!"

Christina was quick to snap her head over shoulder, almost in shock that someone knew her name until she saw it was Kelso in the crowd of kids that walked throughout the hallway. She gave a small smile as he jogged up to her, "Hi, Michael. What's up?"

He hurriedly moved his shaggy hair out of his eyes as he held a grin, "I missed you at the party."

Christina slowly nodded, pushing her hair behind her ear as she held onto her books with her other hand, "Oh, yeah. I wanted to go, but my mom insisted that I join in on our new 'family night'."

Kelso nodded as Christina then realized that someone noticed she wasn't there. She didn't think that anyone would since she only met them for one evening. "How is it? Living with Mr.Lewis?"

"Okay, I guess. He got me a Dodge." She said simply and his eyes went wide.

"That's your Dodge in the parking lot?" He asked, excitedly and she laughed a little as he resembled a kid at the moment, "That baby is practically a classic! 1960, right?"

"Yeah, it is. I think it's a little too much though-"

"We have to go for a drive," He interrupted.

She raised a brow, "What, like right now?"

"Yes, right now!" He responded, grabbing a hold of her hand, ready to pull her away as the hallways was beginning to clear out.

"Michael, it's not even the end of the day. I can't cut class." She told him and he sighed.

"Nobody is going to notice that you're gone, I promise." He assured her, still holding her hand, "Plus, this is the way to the American lifestyle. You got to live a little, break a few bones."

"I don't know-"

"Please," He pouted, "I'll even let you drive."

"Well, it is my car, Michael." She chuckled, but he held onto his pout, so she sighed lightly, "Fine, but only this once."

Once he heard her agree, he dragged her down the hallway and towards the back exit of the school that was a quicker way to the parking lot. She feared they would get caught, but realized that by time they got to her car and inside, they went unnoticed by anyone.

She never really done this before. Her mother taught her the importance of school, how she must pass every class with a B and above, never slip up on work or ever skip school. She felt like she was creating some sort of sin as she put the keys in the ignition. Her mother taught her not to be like a Kelso, so as he sat next to her, giddy and excited, she realized that she's slowly becoming one of him and his friends after barely a week.

She didn't think she would be amazed by their lifestyle so quick seeing as she judged them instantly when she moved in. Still, she doesn't consider them friends, but who would skip school for the first time with someone they're not friends with?

"So where are we heading?" Christina asked Kelso after about five minutes of driving with no destination.

"I don't know really," He said simply, "Maybe the Hub?"

"You skip school to go to a place you go to every day already?" She questioned and he nodded at her as he messed with the string to his hoodie.

"Usually, when I'm with Jackie, we skip to go make out," He added and she hummed lightly, before he glanced at her, "So how do you like Wisconsin so far?"

"It's okay, I guess," She shrugged, "My mom loves it, though."

"Trust me, you love too." He assured her and she laughed, "What?"

"How? By just sitting in a basement with you guys?" She remarked at him.

"We do more than just sit in the basement," He explained, "We chill back, form a circle and get baked until we green out."

"'Baked'? 'Green out'?" She raised a brow and glanced at him, "What in the world does those even mean? Is this your 'American slang'?"

"You don't know what that is?" He asked, in complete shock when she shook her head, "Oh my god, we have to stop the car. Stop the car, pull over in there!"

She immediately pulled into the direction he pointed, growing confused as he made her park in an empty parking lot, "Michael, what are doing in here?"

"Christina," He started off as he dug in his jacket before pulling out a crumpled up brown bag with a doofy grin on his face, "We're going to get you baked, of course."

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