"Yeah, there are sixteen of us here and I'm only comfortable with sharing with about half of you."  Sugar said loudly whilst sending major side eye at those she clearly wasn't comfortable sharing with. Mike whipping his head in her direction to look at Ruby in amusement, but to be fair she was kind of right.

"Well it has come to my attention that our good friend Rory Flannigan has never tasted peanut butter!" Mr Schue explained, whilst the group of friends burst out into outbursts of disbelief.

Rory took the spoonful of peanut butter and was truly amazed at how amazing it was that he took the entire jar for himself. "As incredibly moving as this is, it's kind of been an emotional week for some of us." Kurt spoke up, clearly not in the mood for Mr Schue's strange pep talks.

"Yeah, what's the point in all of this Mr Schue?"  Finn asked, eyeing the jar of peanut butter in Rory's hand.

"The point is Rory just had a brand new experience, something as simple as peanut butter. I want you to promise no matter how bad it gets, or how hopeless or alone you may feel. You'll try your best to think of all the amazing experiences you've had and will have ahead of you. I want you to think of something that you're all looking forward to"

"Someday, I want to earn enough money to buy my parents a new place, so they don't ever have to go through losing their home again." Sam was the first to speak.

"I'm looking forward to meeting Rachel Berry's children." Mercedes announced so seriously, that she had the entire circle chuckling at Rachel who was placing a hand on her heart, mouthing a thank you at Mercedes.

"I want to be there to see my kid's first steps." smiled Artie.

"I want to be there to see Sex and the City part three!"  Sugar announced.

Ruby went next "I'm looking forward to being maid of honour at Rachel and Finn's wedding and to hopefully stop being so unlucky in love."  She smiled wearily.

"I'm sort of embarrassed to say this but I do really want to graduate high school." Puck said quietly and shooting Ruby and Finn a shy smile.

"I'm going to petition the army to change my dad's dishonourable discharge to an honourable one."  Finn grinned.

"I'm looking forward to graduating from Yale at the top of my class!" Quinn proudly announced.

"I'm looking forward to the day when my grandmother loves me again." Santana said softly.

Brittany quickly took the attention off Santana's somber confession by adding "I want Lord Tubbington to kick his ecstasy addiction!"

"I'm looking forward to marriage equality in all fifty states." Blaine added.

"I'm looking forward to the first time I dance at Carnegie Hall with Ruby!" Mike pointed at her goofily, which she quickly reciprocated with a large grin.

"I just want a song!" Tina sighed.

"I'm looking forward to watching my dad make a difference in Congress." confessed Kurt.

"I'm looking forward to being friends with all of you for the rest of my life." Rachel smiled.

"I know this might sound silly and this peanut butter really is amazing Mr Schue." Rory spoke. "But do you know what I'm looking forward to? Winning regionals!"


PUCK WAS STRANGELY PANICKED AND IT WAS FREAKING RUBY AND MIKE OUT. Ruby finished applying her lipstick and turned towards the boy who was still applying his stage make up in a daze. "Will you pack it in Puckerman. Why are you so freaked? You're freaking us out!"

"Those Golden Goblet madrigal singers were way better than I thought they'd be." he swivelled in his seat to look at us all as we stared at him weirdly.

"Are you high? I couldn't hear their instruments at all." Brittany scoffed. Ruby was walking away from this conversation before she lost her mind and went to go stand with Santana, Quinn and Artie.

"Okay. Show circle. Huddle up everyone!" 

Finn slipped into the circle next to Ruby and nudged her with his hip with that goofy smile on his face. "Okay. Finn you wanted to start us off?" Mr Schue pointed at Finn.

"It's kind of short notice but after the competition, Rachel and I will be getting married at the Justice of the Peace at the Lima Municipal Centre."

"There will be some light refreshments afterwards. My dads and I spent all night rolling finger sandwiches." Rachel grinned. "With everything that's happened lately, we thought about Mr Schue was saying to us all the other day and we don't want to wait anymore. We just want to live every day like it's out last and we want to thank you all for supporting our decision to get married."

"And for those who maybe aren't the biggest fans of our impending nuptials, we thank you too. So after we win this evening, we would really love it if you would come to our wedding."

The group clapped whilst Mr Schue started our usual show circle pep talk before putting his hand in the middle of the circle. The rest of the glee club gathering in closer to do the same, ready to absolutely smash the competition and head to Nationals.

*Here's To Us performed by the New Directions*

Fantasy ~ Sam Evans {Glee}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora