Chapter 6: Jealousy

Começar do início

Once dinner was ready, we called down the girls to eat. "Wooowwww, this is good," Esther said. "Thank Chef Yan," Y/N laughed. I just smiled. When we were done, Y/N got up to wash the dishes and I cleaned the table. I was gonna help her until Kiki went up to her and started helping her. I admired them from the back. They were all smiley and laughing; telling jokes and dancing together. Why can't she be like that with me? I sighed and headed for my room.

Next Morning


Today we were at the airport because the girls have a flight to Shanghai. We arrived 2 hours hoping there wouldn't be so many fans. I went to baggage check-in while the girls waited in the seats. Luckily we had plenty of bodyguards. I made my way towards the girls. There was an empty seat next to Yu Yan and across there was an empty seat next to Kiki. I made sure to remember what Big Boss told me and took a seat next to Kiki. I yawned and laid my head on her shoulder. "Tired?" she asked. I nodded my head. She laid her head on mine and lightly patted my cheek. As she was patting my cheek, I could feel myself slowly dozing off. "Flight 217 to Shanghai: Ready for boarding," I heard over the intercom. I opened my eyes and stood up. "Okay girls let's go." and led them to the gate.

The crowd started to get a little big so I told the girls to hold on to each other, Esther and Xiaotang; Xuuer and Xin Liu; Anqi and Shaking; Keran and Yu Yan. I linked arms with Kiki while the bodyguards created a barrier. Not gonna lie this is kind of scary. Just fans yelling and trying to get pictures; it's kind of overwhelming. There were many fans passing gifts and letters, and I tried to collect them all for the girls. Once we made it in the gate, fans were not allowed to follow. Thank goodness, I would've had a breakdown lol.

Once we made it to Shanghai, I waited with the girls at the baggage claim. Thank goodness there were no fans, yet. Kiki linked her arm with mine, while I leaned on her arm cuz ya know I'm small hehe. "Once we get to the hotel, I think I'm gonna knock out," I said. She looked down at me and patted my head. Awww we cute or whatever. I could feel someone staring at the back of my head. I turned my head; Yu Yan and Keran were looking down on their phones. Hmmm? Maybe I'm just sleepy.

We made it to the hotel and everyone had their own room. Wow, the company got big bucks. I plopped on the bed and once my head hit that pillow I was out like a light. The girls don't have a schedule till tomorrow anyway. A few minutes later, I heard a knock on my door. I decided to leave it maybe they'd go away. I heard another knock. Who is knocking on my door? I'm just trying to take a nap. I irritatedly got up and opened my door. My eyes half open. "Oh, Anqi, do you need anything?" I yawned.

"The girls and I are hanging out in Esther's room and was wondering if you wanted to join?" she asked.

          "Sure, why not. Let me get my things first," I said and grabbed my phone and keycard. "Let's goooooo," I said. We walked to Esther's room. Good thing we're all on the same floor. Anqi knocked on the door. We were welcomed with a hyped Xiaotang.

"Welcooommeee," she spread her arms. I laughed and sat on the bed next to Kiki. 

          "Hey Ki," I took a chip from her bag and started munching on it. "Ow!" she smacked my hand.

"Who said you could have one?" she jokingly glared at me.

          "Come on nooowww. It's just a chip. Why so stingy?" I gave her the puppy eyes. She squished my cheeks. "Such a kid," she giggled.

           "Can I have another one?" I asked this time. She fed me a chip and I happily accepted it.

"Good girl," she patted my head.

          "Heyyyy, I'm not a dog!" I frowned. She laughed. I saw Yu Yan staring at us from across the room. Why hasn't she said hi to me, yet? I decided to go up to her. "Yu Yaaaannn, Kiki is treating me like I'm her dog," I complained. I clung on to her arm like a little kid. She just stared at me and walked away. Hmph. That's weird. Why is she ignoring me? Keran who saw the whole thing started laughing.

Lovely Manager (Y/N)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora