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This story was developed from my imagination. I ask you to respect my work and not plagiarize ideas nor distribute it in any shape or form, it is illegal. If you end up hating this story, you have the choice to stop reading.

Thank you and without further ado...


The Moon Realm and the Sun Realm waged war while the portals between the two realms were pried wide open by the magic wielders of both realms.

It wasn't until the Sun Goddess and the Moon Goddess agreed upon a truce that the war settled and the portals were sealed closed by the goddesses themselves. Both goddesses decided to never reopen the portals and the magic needed to open them soon disappeared in history.

A council of the most powerful creations from the realm of the moon and the realm of the sun were formed on each side to discourage an uprising of another devastating war.

This story takes place in the Moon Realm, involving an ill-fated and disastrous match blessed by the Moon Goddess.

It makes one question that perhaps even the Moon Goddess makes mistakes, but unbeknownst to all, this seemingly impossible match was not one.


I looked around as I stood next to my fourteen unit members. We were on our way to complete our mission when we were ambushed by what seemed to be almost one hundred fellow Royal Vampire Army soldiers.

"What is the meaning of this?" I asked as I stared at the five vampire generals standing in front of me.

I recognized all of them since we spent decades training and protecting the royal family together.

"We're only here for General Sera," one of the generals said impassively as he placed his hand on his weapon threateningly. "Step away."

My unit members didn't move a muscle, choosing to remain by my side.

I kept searching my thoughts for the reason why the five of them were here with the intent to fight if necessary. Suddenly, I remembered the malicious glint in King Cyril's eyes as he gave me this mission and I finally understood.

A few weeks ago, King Cyril brought up the idea to recruit vampires under the age of twenty to join the war because the battles have been devastating on RVA soldier numbers. I immediately spoke against his new idea without being granted permission and it seemed that he has decided to not only punish me for my actions, but my unit as well.

This mission was a facade for my execution.

"Is this how it's going to be? Do none of you notice that our kingdom is crumbling and our king is falling into madness?" I asked and I saw them pause for just a moment.

No one said anything, but they knew that I was right.

The Vampire Kingdom was once feared as it was guarded by Queen Adga, a powerful vampire monarch who successfully obtained a seat at the roundtable of the highly respected Supreme Lunar Council. With her passing, King Cyril fell into depression. However, as soon as there was evidence proving that it was a lycan who murdered Queen Adga, King Cyril declared war against the Lycan Kingdom with the support of the Supreme Lunar Council. The lycans denied that they were involved in the death of Queen Adga, but King Cyril refused to listen to reason.

Soon, King Cyril became obsessed with the idea to completely obliterate the Lycan Kingdom and exterminate all lycans from the Moon Realm. He claimed that this was all for his murdered queen, but I recently found out that it was an excuse to cover his selfish want for more territory and power.

"King Cyril has long forgotten his duty to his kingdom and his people. He's sacrificing our lives to pave the way for his own despicable goals," I said stiffly in disgust while glaring fiercely at fellow soldiers. "Why do you all blindly give such an unworthy king your valuable loyalty like a mindless puppet? Aren't our lives and the lives of our family and friends worth more than his greed?"

"Step away from her or you'll die with her today." The general ignored me and gave the ultimatum to my unit members.

My unit members remained by my side without hesitation and immediately drew their weapons to defend me, ignoring the fact that we were immensely outnumbered. As one of the generals traced from where he stood to right in front of me, my unit's fight to survive against the odds commenced.

It was chaos. The screeching sound of metal clashing against metal was all I could hear.

When a general slashed the heart of one of my unit members, despair settled into my chest as I reached outwards to catch her as she fell. The life in her eyes slowly dimmed, but they held no regret as she met my gaze.

"General Sera, if the Moon Goddess permits, I hope to fight alongside you in my next life." Her words were quietly said, but with firm resolve and honesty. "You're a wonderful leader."

She soon breathed her last and passed away in my arms. I gently laid her on the ground and continued to fight.

When I realized that the entirety of my unit was massacred and I was the only one left, my vision turned red and my fangs lengthened as fury burned through my veins.

The clarity of my mind hazed and I completely lost control.

I spared them no mercy as I beheaded every single one of them, taking their lives one by one until I was the only one breathing. Standing alone on the battlefield, I felt a drop of rain on my face, then another. Soon, it was pouring.

I was barely conscious from the injuries I sustained, but I gathered the little strength I had left to dig fourteen graves and buried each of my unit members. When I finished, I collapsed onto my knees in front of them and as sorrow consumed every piece of my soul, I wept.

"If the Moon Goddess permits, I hope to fight alongside you all in my next life. It has been an honor to be your general," I said quietly as my tears mixed with the freezing cold rain when they rolled down my face.

Forcing my broken body to stand up, I placed my right fist on top of my heart, then bowed as a sign of respect to my unit members and bid them a final goodbye.

I traced away from the lifeless battlefield to disappear from the clutches of a tyrant king I refused to fight for.

Or so I tried.


Hope you enjoyed the prologue and don't forget to vote if you did :D

Until next time,


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