Spying time

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happy tun (◕ᴥ◕)

Test tube's P.O.V.
We were gonna spy on paintbrush. Which sounds like some kind of thing you'd hear from a cursed object show thing, but I'm serious. And yes I know all about the II fandom, Fan showed me once behind the scenes. Lightbulb gasped and shone the flashlight in my face. "Ack! Lightbulb stop!" She giggled and waved it around, I snatched it from her. "Testy! Hey!" I poked her cheek and rolled my eyes. "It's not like you'll need it! You have YOUR light as yourself!" She stood up along with fan. "Oh right!" She switched herself on, giving off a strong bright glow. We didn't even need the damn flashlight for that matter...

We all strolled down the street, trying to stay as hidden as we could. We had to be extra careful, paintbrush had quite a keen eye. We were all wearing something dark, which all included of black hoodies and such. Lightbulb had decided to wear a dark gray beanie for some reason. And fan had his hood up. "Shh, okay guys." I whispered. Peering over the corner. "Looks like they're headed towards there." I pointed, they had disappeared into a strange, unfamiliar looking street. We didn't even know where we were. We'd just been following them this whole time. Fan shivered, I will admit I am a bit scared myself. Just imagine how mad paintbrush could be if they find out!!

"Okay! Lightbulb do you read over?" I whispered into the walki-talki. "Yup! Also after this, could we celebrate for you know~" Simply hearing that, my face flashed a dark red. "Lightbulb!! Be serious!" I said, almost yelling. I could hear her snicker over on the other side. "Save your screaming for tonight testy, right now keep it shush!" I groaned a bit, she always had a way with words when it comes to things like this. Whatever, I snuck around a bush, crouching. I signaled fan to waddle a little closer. We finally made ourselves visible in front of a...bar? Paintbrush was at a bar?!

We both let out tiny gasps. I almost couldn't believe it..The one and only paintbrush...was drinking?..we both walked in slowly, looking around. Some people looked right at us and then turned away. We walked up to the booth, staring right at them. Fan looked so shocked and....disappointed..it was kinda obvious to see. They didn't even notice us...until lightbulb busted through the door screeching like the boogey-man. "PAINTY, WHAT THE ACTUAL HECKING HELL, WHY ARE YOU DRINKING?!?" I'm shocked no one gave her any weird looks. Nobody even bothered to look at her! EVEN THOUGH SHE HAD SCREAMED HER LUNGS OUT! Paintbrush looked at the three of us. Their eyes wide with dark circles lined under them. They stared at us, shocked. Like they thought we'd never find out about this? We all looked right back into them, shocked and disappointed. If they were feeling sad like this, then why'd they not tell us?...did they not trust us or something? "Y...You guys.." they spoke, their voice trembling, and almost so quiet it sounded like they were whispering. Fan looked the most disappointed out of all of us. I couldn't blame him either. Paintbrush and him had gotten to know each other, put aside each other's differences, and now they were kinda maybe friends. But paintbrush was abusing that...

How could they keep a secret like this from us? From their friends?...Fan's lip trembled. He started trembling. His whole body was shaking. Tears started to pour from his eyes. Paintbrush Hùng their head with guilt. "Let's go home..." I said real quietly. We all walked out of the bar, feeling numb with shock. Following paintbrush wall home, because we have no idea how to get home. I was still shocked, wondering why would paintbrush do this to us? We've known them for quite a long time, and we've been through some pretty bad stuff together. But apparently, they didn't put their maximum trust into us. Which I thought they did, but you can never be sure if someone fully trusts you or not. With someone like paintbrush, it's really hard to tell. But now, we have the answer...

———Hours pass———

Fan's P.O.V.
I really couldn't believe paintbrush was going out every night drinking. Why...didn't they tell us anything? Why didn't they tell ME? But that makes sense I guess...they've been friends with lightbulb for way longer, but they even kept it from her. So I guess they just don't trust about any of us, and they could care less about me if they could. Paintbrush looked themselves in the bathroom of our room as soon as we came home. So they weren't in the mood to talk?
Why should I care? I frowned, lifting an arm to wipe the streams of tears that were streaked on my face. There was so sh*t going on in my life, it was almost as miserable as it was when I was eliminated from that damned game show. I never knew it'd be as bad as it was! But now it was all coming back again. The flow of memories really made me want to cry even more. From becoming friends with test tube, to having the egg taken away from me, but test tube and I made up. We were on good terms again. And if I'm lucky, something terrible won't happen, hopefully nothing will get in the way of the good things I still have...

I've lost almost all the trust left I had for paintbrush and myself. I felt so low, and sad...being around lightbulb and test tube was fun and I really enjoy the vibes those two give, but it also makes me feel really single when they start teasing each other or whatever. I grumbled a bit, and held onto my head, I had to stop thinking so intensely about this. I was just getting a headache! Stupid paintbrush, stupid life, stupid EVERYTHING!!

Test tube's P.O.V.
Lightbulb seemed really bummed out about paintbrush's little secret. And I don't blame her, she's probably the one that's gone through the most with paintbrush. And it's like they're throwing the friendship away. Why would paintbrush go drinking? I know we all have had beer, or wine, once before in our lives. I just never knew paintbrush was pulling an addiction towards it. They're probably drinking all of a sudden because they're depressed about something. But if they were having problems with life, then they'd already tell us. But they decided to take care of their depression in a wrong twisted way. Why would they do something like this? It really confuzzles me of why they would hide this from us. Lightbulb had gone to bed early, but I don't mind. I really need to rest myself..besides lightbulb looks pretty cute while she's asleep..

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