"Okay." Hope's scowl grows deeper. "Why me?"

"I was going to ask Penelope but..." He trails off, giving her a pointed look.


Ever since what had happened in Potions with the Amortentia, everyone in Slytherin has been interrogating the girl and trying to get the truth out of her. Someone even slipped a babbling potion in her pumpkin juice during lunch, but Rose was able to get her away before Penelope could confess anything that would possibly ruin her reputation.

For now, it's just a rumor that Penelope secretly has a crush on Josie. As long as Hope and her friends stay in control and Penelope doesn't slip-up again, the rumor won't go any farther than just that—a rumor.

"Jo is too old for him. Rose is too innocent," he continues, listing off the reasons why it has to be Hope. "You know how Maya gets with Hufflepuffs. We nearly lost the match against them because she slept with half the team..."

Hope raises her eyebrows. She hadn't known that.

Hold on. Is that why she always makes out with Hufflepuffs during victory parties?

"I can't risk the possibly she might lose focus and you know—"

He gestures something obscene with his fingers. Hope scrunches up her face, effectively grossed out. "Halfblood or not, a girl has needs."

Ryan even shrugs. What a pervert.

"So, what?" Hope unfolds her arms. She scoffs. "I'm supposed to tell Kirby that one of the most powerful, influential men in the wizarding world wants to have a little boys' chat with him?"

The boy shakes his head resolutely. He sticks his finger out and leans forward, voice urgent.

"You misunderstand me," Ryan says. "The boy must not know a thing. My father wishes to surprise him. As such, you will not say a word. Promise?"

"Promise?" Hope laughs. "What? Should I cross my heart and hope to die? Should we hook our pinkies and swear it to Merlin?"

A brief flash of annoyance flickers in Ryan's eyes, but he shakes it off as quickly as the first time. "Does this mean you'll do it?"

Hope bites the inside of her cheek, weighing her options. On one hand, she really doesn't want to go with Landon. On the other, she knows it's important to her father to get in Malivore Clarke's good graces.

"It means I'm not saying no," she decides. She lifts an eyebrow curiously. "What's the deal with Kirby, anyway? I saw you talking to him the night of Slughorn's party."

Something between panic and fear knits itself in the wrinkle of Ryan's taut forehead. He looks away and turns his back on her, shoulders tightening.

"Who is he to you?"

The boy rolls his shoulders, relaxes them, and then turns back around. When Hope catches another glimpse of his face once more, she sees that he looks much more calm now. Much more collected.

"No one," Ryan tells her, a small, twisted smirk on his lips. Hope finds that she doesn't quite like the mysterious glint in his eye.

"No one at all."

Surely enough, Landon asks her out the next afternoon.

He pulls her aside under a large white-oak tree outside the greenhouses after Herbology, with a gentle tap on her arm. She almost snaps at him to not touch her, to never touch her, before remembering Ryan's words from the night before.

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