Chapter 48

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They tell Elizabeth on a Tuesday.

Tuesday—which also happens to be the day the blonde receives a failing mark on her Astrology test, so Hope already knows that she'll be in a foul mood.


That's how the pureblood finds herself leaning against a random wall in the third floor corridor, her surroundings illuminated only by the single torch nearby as she waits for Josie and her sister to arrive at their agreed meeting place.

A small part of Hope is very, very paranoid right now. Merlin forbid someone catch her here and inquire as to why she's standing by herself in the dark. Merlin forbid that someone be Argus Filch.

It is past curfew, after all.

Yet, that isn't the only reason Hope is feeling nervous. For the life of her, she can't imagine how Elizabeth will react when she learns of her and Josie's relationship.

Will she be like Rose, who knew without words and could only offer her support?

Or will she lash out, instead, denying everything and hurting her sister?

What if she even decides to kill Hope?

The pureblood honestly doesn't know what will happen. She just hopes that everything works out. For Josie.

Besides, it's not like Elizabeth will go blabbing their secret off to everyone, right?


Hope kicks off of the wall as she hears the sound of hurried footsteps in the distance. She looks from left to right, opening her mouth to call out into the dark when a pair of lips ghost over her own and effectively silence her.

Hope crumbles back into the wall, clutching at Josie's robes to steady herself, but the muggleborn pulls away all too soon.

"Hey," she giggles out, but she looks nervous. Breathless. Hope is panting, too, even though they've just barely kissed for five seconds. "Lizzie's right behind me."

Hope smiles, allowing Josie to reach out and stroke her hair. The other girl seems to melt into her, almost like she's searching for comfort. Hope draws her eyebrows together.

"Are you ready?" she asks in a whisper, the other pair of footsteps approaching them faster and faster with every passing second. Josie nods, suckling her lip into her mouth, before shaking her head.

"Josie! Where are you?" someone yells. Hmm. It's probably Elizabeth. She still sounds pretty far away, but her steps echo like they're not a feet away from the pair. Josie cringes, shrinking in on herself.

Hope watches her carefully, eyes narrowed in concern. Without thinking, or perhaps thinking too much, she intertwines Josie's nearest hand with her own and pulls her closer, kissing her knuckles softly.

"It'll be okay," she tells Josie, making sure her voice doesn't shake. Fuck. She is so afraid, so fucking scared, but she needs to be strong for Josie.

She needs to be brave. Braver.

At the same time, Hope honestly can't believe that she's here right now, doing this—doing this with Josie, in particular. She never thought she would ever tell anyone at all, but standing here now, with Josie by her side, it's a lot easier to think about.

"I know." The muggleborn squeezes their hands, flickering her gaze up to Hope's and then back to the floor. "Just, uh..."

"Kiss me again?" she asks, shyly, as if Hope's lips give her strength, and the pureblood feels nothing but strong when she leans forward and claims Josie's mouth with her own.

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