Chapter 16

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Bakugou's POV 

 I was shocked. I was excited for the baby I even went out and bought things for the baby.  He teared up and looks at doctor.  

"C-can I see her?" I asked him and he nods. I follow the doctor slowly. I try to prepare myself for seeing her but the tears start to fall down my cheeks. We get there after a few and I sigh. The doctor opens the door and I walk in. 

I gasp seeing her. She was covered in bandages and I tear up more. I walk up to her bed. I touch her hand and the tears fall harder. I start to cry and sob. 

"I'm so sorry baby...I should've been there to protect you..." I said crying and holding her hand tightly. I sit down and start to think. I just cry and hope you wake up soon. 

~A month passed~

A month passed since todoroki was recused by us. I am with her all the time other then going to work but I go there and stay there by her side. I had just gotten back from a patrol and I was sitting beside her again where I always sat. 

I look at her and grab her hand. Then I feel her squeeze my hand and I gasp. 

"B-baby!" I yelled softly and run out. "Doctors I think she is waking up now!" I yelled into the hallway. I run back to todorokis side. I grab her hand and she squeezes again.  Doctors run in and get things ready for when she wakes up. 

"Hey baby wake up. I am right here next you" I said to her and she moves her head slightly. I squeeze her hand lightly and I see her eyes starting to open.  I smile and she opens her eyes completely and I smiled brighter.

"hey baby," I said softly. I saw her smile slightly. She looks at me and sighs. "Hey baby. How you feel?" I ask her. 

"B-babe," she said and it has hard for her to talk.

"Don't talk babe. I will go get you some water," I get up and walk out and to the kitchen in the hospital. I grab a cup and put some water. I walk back to the room and I widen my eyes once I walk into the room. 

She wasn't breathing. I stood there in shock. I start to cry and run out. I run outside and cry. A doctor walks outside looking for me and sees me. He walks to me and pats my shoulder. 

"We got her back," The doctor said and I got up and run into the room. I see her awake and I see her crying. I walk up to her tears in eyes. 

"hey baby. You ok now?" I ask her and she looks at me. She nods and sighs trying to calm down.

"They  told me...they told me what they did," She said and I sits next to her. She starts to cry more, "W-Why are people so cruel," She asked and I sigh.

"I dont know why babe. But they are in jail now forever," I say and pat her head. 


Short only 531 words but I dont know what else 

trans Bakugou and fem TodorokiOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant