Bitter Sweet Symphony

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Dear, DiaYou're in for a rough journey

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Dear, Dia
You're in for a rough journey. You have just disclosed to the Avengers what happened on that day Sokovia fell. You lost your brother and brought Pietro Maximoff back to life. You couldn't cope with the pain, it was all extremely sudden. Questions ran through your mind, the biggest one was what the hell was he doing in Sokovia?

When Jonathan died, we didn't just lose him...we lost you too. You completely shut down, you laid on that bathroom floor for who knows how long. The only person who was able to get through to you was Joshua. But even after that you were still gone. You didn't talk, you began to have anxiety attacks, and you traveled a lot. But in some ways you returned to us. You smiled, laughed, still didn't speak but you learned sign language.

Little by little you returned and it wasn't until Bucky Barnes that you came back to us. The happy, vibrant, Dia Castillo that we all know and love, returned, but I fear it will only be for a while. Remember the movie Awakenings, with Robin Williams? His character administers the drug L-Dopa to catatonic patients who survived the 1917-28 epidemic of encephalitis lethargica. The patients awaken after decades to a new life in 1969. They were awake, active and talking for a short period of time. After some time had passed, the patients slowly went back to their catatonic state.

I fear the same will happen to you. You didn't just tell the Avengers what happened and what you did, but you told them that you're magic. To say they were shocked is an understatement. Now it's only a matter of time until everything catches up to you, until you realize and fully accept that Jonathan is dead. When that happens you will most likely shut down, maybe even begin to travel again, but Dia, please understand that you won't be alone.

And I know you don't want to go through the whole process again, and your emotions will run high and you will have dark days, but whether you want to or not, you will have to go through that. I know it sounds horrible, I know it hurts, but it's been 3 years and you have to start letting go.

He was your little brother and I know it hurts, but I promise you, you won't be alone. We won't lose you again Dia. We will be with you every step of the way.

Your friend,
Stephen Strange.
Isaura's (ex?)boyfriend.

P.s. just because you're in the middle of a breakdown, doesn't mean you're excused from Loki duty.

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Now that Dia Castillo has told the Avengers what she did for Pietro Maximoff, and what she lost along the way, it's up to them to ensure that Dia doesn't return to her old ways. And now that Rhys Huxton knows who's been hiding in the shadows— oh boy. Everyone's in for a wild ride.

❝ For Jonathan–
I would much prefer you were alive and well. Yes, I did ripoff A Series of Unfortunate Events ❞

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Author's note
Here we goooo!!! As I previously said, book one was about getting Bucky and Dia together, while book two will be about the mystery of who's been following Rhys and Dia. And we finally get to learn more about Dia and her powers. And just like the first book, the chapter titles will be song titles. Starting with the name of the book, Bitter Sweet Symphony by The Verve.

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